29 November 2016

29 November 2016

  1. Review Banish Very Words HW
  2. Organize and Clean up Google Drive
    • Create main folders for each grade level
    • Create subfolders for each class
    • Do NOT delete or change the Classroom folder until you are no longer in the class at the end of the semester
  3. Organize and Clean up GMail
  4. You will now create an Animoto or Stupeflix promoting an idea of encouraging positive community. You can pick any area in Gaston County or our school.
    • Your Animoto or Stupeflix must be at least 30 seconds long and encourage positivity, participation, and build community while adhering to copyright regulations.

28 November 2016

28 November 2016

  1. Agenda Review
  2. Spiral.ac  Discussion
  3. Building Community Discussion
  4. HW: Banish Very Words Homework (No outside resources allowed)
  5. Review Stupeflix & Animoto sites.
    • Pick 1 to use.
    • You will create a 30 second PR video promoting positive community in our school or your town/neighborhood.
    • Begin collecting images/videos to use tonight.
    • Choose which community you want to promote.

17 November 2016

17 November 2016

  1. Finish presentations
  2. Students should review other students' projects & complete any evaluations located on sites
  3. Review schedule for tomorrow
  4. Only 2 day week next week.

15 November 2016

15 November 2016

  1. Genocide assignment sheet (Add group stuff)
    • Turned in tonight by 11:59pm
  2. Mrs. Wilkinson class meeting
  3. Please make sure MLA8 is correct
  4. Please follow all instructions in the project

14 November 2016

14 November 2016

  1. Agenda Review
  2. Flocabulary
  3. Grammar Test #4
    • Test Corrections due in 1 week
  4. Genocide project work (Presenting Wednesday- DUE Tomorrow)
  5. Mrs. Wilkinson will be in class tomorrow
  6. Tutorial Video Work (If finished w/genocide project)

10 November 2016

10 November 2016

  1. Read article on ReadActively & answer questions
  2. Work on Genocide Project
    • Post update to partners to share about what you accomplished during class
  3. Adapted schedule for MathI benchmark today
  4. Grammar test Monday
  5. Powder Puff tonight!

09 November 2016

9 November 2016

  1. Grammar Sentence -Test on Monday
  2. Typing Tutorial
  3. Genocide Project update check
    • Check resources section
  4. Mrs. Wilkinson lesson
  5. HW: Project, study grammar

07 November 2016

7 November 2016

  1. Agenda Update
  2. Flocabulary
  3. Everything is a Remix
    • Weird Al Yankovich (parody)
  4. How to send an invite using Google Calendar
  5. Genocide Project
    • Groups Assigned
    • Group Project Planning Sheet
    • Group Norms
    • Make a copy of the project sheet
    • Share sheet w/group members
    • Agree on project option 
    • Assign parts to each member
    • Share contact info
    • Consider: physical components, schedules, printing, collecting/collaborating, etc.

03 November 2016

3 November 2016

  1. Grammar sentence #6
  2. Tutorial Topics discussion & Topics
  3. Problem Solving -make a decision making flowchart using Mindomo
    • Curious George
  4. Install Cattura for screencast videos
  5. 2 Read Actively Articles due Today
  6. Grammar Test Next Week

02 November 2016

2 November 2016

  1. Grammar Sentence
  2. Watch PSA videos
  3. Review topics for Tutorial Video
  4. ReadActively Articles Homework
  5. Sign up for Typing Tutorial- posted in Classroom