- Grammar Sentence
- Test Thursday- no notes
- 3rd: How to make a blog using Blogger
- Video Tutorial for absent
- Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson 2nd
- Progress Reports & PSA Rubric returned
- Project Planning Sheet for future projects
- Work on "The Landlandy"
- Vocabulary due Thursday 85%
31 October 2017
31 October 2017
30 October 2017
30 October 2017
- Grammar Sentence #5 (Test on Thursday)
- Agenda/Calendar Review-Update
- Review Project Planning Guide
- Create 2 comics using Make Beliefs Comix
- 1 comic is an example of a positive online relationship
- 1 comic is a lesson about how to respond to an uncomfortable conversation online
- Post both screenshots to SeeSaw activity log for the class to share.
- Actively Learn Short Story due Thursday morning- "The Landlady"
- Quill Diagnostic
- EverFi Ignition Digital Citizenship assignment
- Vocabulary.com =85% or better
- Selfie Project
- Butter Braids
- Service Learning this Friday Group A & Carr
- Clean EMAIL daily
- Organize your calendar/agenda daily
26 October 2017
26 October 2017
- Grammar Sentence
- Actively Learn Article Warm-up Due
- Pink Shirts have been delivered
- 2nd pd: Wilkinson Lesson
- 3rd pd: NearPod: Risky Online Relationships
- Avatars- create 2 and upload to SeeSaw activity (real you & fake you)
- Select your real avatar and set your Google school profile image to this avatar.
- Quill Diagnostic
- EverFi Ignition Digital Citizenship assignment
- Vocabulary.com =85% or better
- Selfie Project
- Butter Braids
- Service Learning this Friday Group B & Carr
- Clean EMAIL daily
- Organize your calendar/agenda daily
- Academic Hour sign up today
25 October 2017
25 October 2017
- Grammar Sentence Loop 3 #3
- Journal
- Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson 3rd today 2nd tomorrow
- Risky Online Relationships on NearPod
- Avatars- create 2 and upload to SeeSaw activity (real you & fake you)
- Select your real avatar and set your Google school profile image to this avatar.
- Quill Diagnostic
- EverFi Ignition Digital Citizenship assignment
- Vocabulary.com =85% or better
- Selfie Project
- Butter Braids
- Service Learning this Friday Group B & Carr
- Clean EMAIL daily
- Organize your calendar/agenda daily
- Academic Hour sign up today
24 October 2017
24 October 2017
- Grammar Sentence Loop 3 #2
- Journal
- Who Am I Online? Lesson & Discussion
- Create 2 avatars and load mirror image as your profile image in Google
- Vocabulary to 85% accuracy instead of 100%.
- Reminders:
- Butter Braids
- Morp Friday Night
- PowderPuff Change in date
- 2nd 6weeks grading period ends November 2
- Report Cards November 9
- Check Facebook events for school events
- Check your agenda daily and clean up your email
23 October 2017
23 October 2017
- Grammar Sentence Loop 3 Sentence #1
- SeeSaw Register & Complete Activity Assigned
- Copyright PopQuiz
- 2nd pd Vote for Spirit Week 9th grade Participant
- Butter Braids
- Update Agendas/Calendars
- Academic Hour Sign Up
- Share Videos
18 October 2017
18 October 2017
- Journal Topic
- Work on Vocabulary, Quill Diagnostic, or PSA
- Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson 3rd
- HW: PSA, Vocabulary, Quill, EverFi, Selfie Project
- Academic Hour
- Group A to Costner this Friday & Carr
- Vote for 10th grade
- Sign up for Powder Puff
- Butter Braid Sale (9th grade $ orders to Payseur)
12 October 2017
12 October 2017
- Finish Survey for School & Mrs. Wilkinson
- Separated into groups, splice a presentation about GWU to prepare for tomorrow.
- Time to work on Bullying PSA
- Mrs. Wilkinson meeting w/3rd
- HW: Quill Diagnostic, Vocabulary Practice List #1, Survey, Bully PSA
10 October 2017
10 October 2017
- Journal
- Agenda Review
- Flocabulary
- Turn in Homework
- Vocabulary.com Information on New Vocabulary Assignments
- Quill- grammar diagnostic assigned
- 2nd: Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson
- 3rd: Nearpod lesson on Cyberbullying
- WeVideo Introduction
- Video Project assigned
- HW: GWU Stuff due, PinkOut Orders due, MORP due, Grammar Test Corrections Due, clean email
09 October 2017
9 October 2017
- Stems Quiz #8
- Blending Quotations Notes
- Blending Quotes Homework
- 3rd Pd: Research Melanie Crowder for author Skype session Wednesday at the Library
- Procrastination HW for Mrs. Wilkinson
- GWU $ due
- Pink Out $ due
04 October 2017
3-4 October 2017
- Journal
- Stems #8 (Quiz Monday)
- Grammar Test #2 Thursday
- Small groups:
- Step 1: Leaders will assign people for each argument.
- Step 2: Argument Pairs will find a min. of 2 pieces of research/evidence to support your argument.
- Step 3: Each person in the Argument Pair will write 1 paragraph incorporating the evidence seamlessly. (Everyone will turn in a paragraph)
- Step 4: Each Argument Pair will choose the best paragraph.
- Step 5: 1 person will write the opening & closing statement.Step 6: Organize your argument: Choose who will speak in what order.
- Mrs. Wilkinson- Procrastination
- Pink Out Shirt Money Due
- Gardner Webb University $ & Permission Slips Due
02 October 2017
2 October 2017
- Flocabulary
- Journal
- Grammar Sentence Loop 2 #5
- Grammar Test #2 Thursday
- Agenda/Calendar update
- Work in small groups to finalize individual arguments w/cited evidence.
- Each person will write 1 paragraph using their specific element of the argument and blend 2 quotes. Of the paragraphs, 1 speaker will be chosen for each argument. 1 speaker will be chosen for the opening. 1 speaker will be chosen for the closing.
- 3rd period will speak Tuesday
- 2nd period will speak Wednesday
- Proper discussion etiquette will be followed.
- Gardner Webb permission slips & $ due.
- Breast Cancer t-shirt orders due this week.
- HW: Study grammar, permission slips, finalize argument, Blending Quotations Handout, Paragraph done today
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