31 October 2017

31 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence
    • Test Thursday- no notes
  2. 3rd: How to make a blog using Blogger
  3. Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson 2nd
  4. Progress Reports & PSA Rubric returned
  5. Project Planning Sheet for future projects
  6. Work on "The Landlandy"
  7. Vocabulary due Thursday 85%

30 October 2017

30 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence #5 (Test on Thursday)
  2. Agenda/Calendar Review-Update
  3. Review Project Planning Guide
  4. Create 2 comics using Make Beliefs Comix
    • 1 comic is an example of a positive online relationship
    • 1 comic is a lesson about how to respond to an uncomfortable conversation online
  5. Post both screenshots to SeeSaw activity log for the class to share.
  6. Actively Learn Short Story due Thursday morning- "The Landlady"
    • Quill Diagnostic
    • EverFi Ignition Digital Citizenship assignment
    • Vocabulary.com =85% or better
    • Selfie Project
    • Butter Braids
    • Service Learning this Friday Group A & Carr
    • Clean EMAIL daily
    • Organize your calendar/agenda daily

26 October 2017

26 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence
  2. Actively Learn Article Warm-up Due
  3. Pink Shirts have been delivered
  4. 2nd pd: Wilkinson Lesson
  5. 3rd pd: NearPod: Risky Online Relationships
  6. Avatars- create 2 and upload to SeeSaw activity (real you & fake you)
  7. Select your real avatar and set your Google school profile image to this avatar.
    • Quill Diagnostic
    • EverFi Ignition Digital Citizenship assignment
    • Vocabulary.com =85% or better
    • Selfie Project
    • Butter Braids
    • MORP
    • Service Learning this Friday Group B & Carr
    • Clean EMAIL daily
    • Organize your calendar/agenda daily
    • Academic Hour sign up today

25 October 2017

25 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 3 #3
  2. Journal
  3. Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson 3rd today 2nd tomorrow
  4. Risky Online Relationships on NearPod
  5. Avatars- create 2 and upload to SeeSaw activity (real you & fake you)
  6. Select your real avatar and set your Google school profile image to this avatar.
    • Quill Diagnostic
    • EverFi Ignition Digital Citizenship assignment
    • Vocabulary.com =85% or better
    • Selfie Project
    • Butter Braids
    • MORP
    • Service Learning this Friday Group B & Carr
    • Clean EMAIL daily
    • Organize your calendar/agenda daily
    • Academic Hour sign up today

24 October 2017

24 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 3 #2
  2. Journal
  3. Who Am I Online? Lesson & Discussion
  4. Create 2 avatars and load mirror image as your profile image in Google
  5. Vocabulary to 85% accuracy instead of 100%.
  6. Reminders:
    • Butter Braids
    • Morp Friday Night
    • PowderPuff Change in date
    • 2nd 6weeks grading period ends November 2
    • Report Cards November 9
    • Check Facebook events for school events
    • Check your agenda daily and clean up your email

23 October 2017

23 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 3 Sentence #1
  2. SeeSaw Register & Complete Activity Assigned
  3. Copyright PopQuiz
  4. 2nd pd Vote for Spirit Week 9th grade Participant
  5. Butter Braids
  6. Update Agendas/Calendars
  7. Academic Hour Sign Up
  8. Share Videos 

18 October 2017

18 October 2017

  1. Journal Topic
  2. Work on Vocabulary, Quill Diagnostic, or PSA
  3. Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson 3rd
  4. HW: PSA, Vocabulary, Quill, EverFi, Selfie Project
  5. Academic Hour
  6. Group A to Costner this Friday & Carr
  7. Vote for 10th grade
  8. Sign up for Powder Puff
  9. Butter Braid Sale (9th grade $ orders to Payseur)

12 October 2017

12 October 2017

  1. Finish Survey for School & Mrs. Wilkinson
  2. Separated into groups, splice a presentation about GWU to prepare for tomorrow.
  3. Time to work on Bullying PSA
  4. Mrs. Wilkinson meeting w/3rd 
  5. HW: Quill Diagnostic, Vocabulary Practice List #1, Survey, Bully PSA

10 October 2017

10 October 2017

  1. Journal
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Flocabulary
  4. Turn in Homework
  5. Vocabulary.com Information on New Vocabulary Assignments
  6. Quill- grammar diagnostic assigned
  7. 2nd: Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson
  8. 3rd: Nearpod lesson on Cyberbullying
  9. WeVideo Introduction
  10. Video Project assigned
  11.  HW: GWU Stuff due, PinkOut Orders due, MORP due, Grammar Test Corrections Due, clean email

09 October 2017

9 October 2017

  1. Stems Quiz #8
  2. Blending Quotations Notes
  3. Blending Quotes Homework
  4. 3rd Pd: Research Melanie Crowder for author Skype session Wednesday at the Library
  5. Procrastination HW for Mrs. Wilkinson
  6. GWU $ due
  7. Pink Out $ due

04 October 2017

3-4 October 2017

  1. Journal
  2. Stems #8 (Quiz Monday)
  3. Grammar Test #2 Thursday
  4. Small groups:
    • Step 1: Leaders will assign people for each argument.
    • Step 2: Argument Pairs will find a min. of 2 pieces of research/evidence to support your argument.
    • Step 3: Each person in the Argument Pair will write 1 paragraph incorporating the evidence seamlessly. (Everyone will turn in a paragraph)
    • Step 4: Each Argument Pair will choose the best paragraph.
    • Step 5: 1 person will write the opening & closing statement.Step 6: Organize your argument: Choose who will speak in what order.
  5. Mrs. Wilkinson- Procrastination 
  6. Pink Out Shirt Money Due
  7. Gardner Webb University $ & Permission Slips Due

02 October 2017

2 October 2017

  1. Flocabulary
  2. Journal
  3. Grammar Sentence Loop 2 #5 
    • Grammar Test #2 Thursday
  4. Agenda/Calendar update
  5. Work in small groups to finalize individual arguments w/cited evidence.
  6. Each person will write 1 paragraph using their specific element of the argument and blend 2 quotes. Of the paragraphs, 1 speaker will be chosen for each argument. 1 speaker will be chosen for the opening. 1 speaker will be chosen for the closing.
    • 3rd period will speak Tuesday
    • 2nd period will speak Wednesday
  7. Proper discussion etiquette will be followed.
  8. Gardner Webb permission slips & $ due.
  9. Breast Cancer t-shirt orders due this week.
  10. HW: Study grammar, permission slips, finalize argument, Blending Quotations Handout, Paragraph done today