Intro to Pub:
- Turn in Progress Report to metal basket
- Stems #3 Quizlet Live Game
- Blog Post Link was submitted before class- due within 1st 5 minutes of class beginning
- Bookmark these sites:
- How to Cite an image in MLA format
- Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Image." Title of Website, Publisher of Website, Date of Publication, URL.
- Fix your image in your blog post
- Remember these common sites and publishers:
- Flickr, Fantastic Fox, Inc.
- Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia Foundation
- Pixabay, Pixabay
- Begin Notes on how to blend quotes Presentation (will finish Monday)
- Review expectations for tomorrow's field trip to GWU
- Grammar Notes due tomorrow 3:45pm on EdPuzzle
- Study Stems #3- Quiz on Tuesday
- Stems Quiz on Tuesday
- No School Monday
Intro to Pub:
- Journal #3
- Turn in Progress Report to metal basket
- Stems #3 Review on Quizlet with a partner
- Review Blog Post Requirements
- 2nd pd: Oops! I Broadcast it Online! Lesson
- 3rd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson
- Questions for Mrs. Wilkinson posted/shared
- Begin reading and annotating your Blog Post #1
- Grammar Notes
- Study Stems #3
- Blog Post #1 due August 30
- Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due August 31 at 3:45 pm
- Gardner Webb University Trip August 31
- Wear GECHS shirt, no holey jeans, tennis shoes for walking, appropriate length shorts or skirts
Intro to Pub:
- Agenda Review
- Update your calendar with upcoming due dates
- Stems #3 Review on Quizlet
- Media Log assigned- due in 1 week
- 2nd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson
- 3rd pd: Oops! I Broadcast it Online! Lesson
- Progress Reports- email questions if needed
- I earned this grade because....
- Parent signed
- Begin reading and annotating your Blog Post #1
- Grammar Notes
- Study Stems #3
- Progress Report
- Blog Post #1 due August 30
- Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due August 31 at 3:45 pm
- Gardner Webb University Trip August 31
- Wear GECHS shirt, no holey jeans, tennis shoes for walking, appropriate length shorts or skirts
Intro to Pub:
- Stems Quiz #2
- After finishing your Stems Quiz, please close your Chromebook and read quietly or color.
- Digital Life 102 (Finish presentation and notes) in NearPod
- What is the importance of digital citizenship?
- Begin reading and annotating your Blog Post #1
- Grammar Notes
- Study Stems #3
- Blog Post #1 due August 30
- Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due August 31 at 3:45 pm
- Gardner Webb University Trip August 31
- Wear GECHS shirt, no holey jeans, tennis shoes for walking, appropriate length shorts or skirts
Intro to Pub:
- Journal #2
- Digital Footprint Diagnostic in NearPod
- Digital Life 102 (Begin presentation and notes) in NearPod
- What is the importance of digital citizenship?
- Begin reading and annotating your Blog Post #1
- Grammar Notes
- Study Stems #2
- Picture Day August 24
- Blog Post #1 due August 30
- Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due August 31 at 3:45 pm
- Gardner Webb University Trip August 31
- Wear GECHS shirt, no holey jeans, tennis shoes for walking, appropriate length shorts or skirts
Intro to Pub:
- Sign out your computer
- Read Theory practice for 10 minutes
- Review Stems #2
- Look at the stem and definition.
- Choose a word that uses the stem and represents the definition to help you remember the words
- Quiz #2 on Monday- 40 total questions (Week 1 & Week 2)
- Email Etiquette Notes in your Writer's Handbook
- Compose a fake email to me or BCC me on an email to another teacher by Monday at 3:45pm
- Avatar Maker
- Create an avatar.
- Download the avatar.
- Set your avatar as your Blogger & Gmail profile image
- Favicon
- Create a favicon
- Download the favicon
- Set your favicon in your Blogger Layout
- Remember to SAVE ALL CHANGES before closing your tabs/windows
- Work on finishing your images and settings
- Begin reading and annotating your Blog Post #1
- Grammar Notes
- Study Stems #2
- Picture Day August 24
- Blog Post #1 due August 30
- Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due August 31 at 3:45 pm
- Gardner Webb University Trip August 31
- Wear GECHS shirt, no holey jeans, tennis shoes for walking, appropriate length shorts or skirts
Intro to Pub:
- SSR- Have your book out. Read silently for 10 minutes
- Any novels from my library must be checked out using my Google Form
- Begin reading and annotating your Blog Post #1
- Grammar Notes
- Study Stems #2
- Picture Day August 24
- Blog Post #1 due August 30
- Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due August 31 at 3:45 pm
- Gardner Webb University Trip August 31
- Wear GECHS shirt, no holey jeans, tennis shoes for walking, appropriate length shorts or skirts
- Fireman Day is tomorrow!
- We will have team building and fun activities planned for the students. Also, please bring a change of clothes and a towel. You will get wet and messy.
- Mandala is due Thursday
- Sign up for Clubs
- Sign up for Academic Hour
- Check GECHS All Google Classroom for announcements
- ID Badges are Thursday August 16
- Stems Quiz #1 is Monday August 20
- College Classes begin August 20
- Picture Day is August 24
Intro to Publications
- Classroom Procedures Review (Link to presentation)
- Sign up for Remind
- Remember- you can sign up for email or text. Also, there is an app for that! (Apple and Android)
- Bookmarks and create Folders- also add favicons to Bookmarks Bar
Homework & Reminders
- Study Stems using Quizlet Week #1
- Contract Due
- Fireman day is Wednesday
- Permission Slips due
- Mandala due Wednesday
- 1:1 & BYOD forms due
- Information Packet Due
Intro to Pub
- Sit at any table.
- Do not turn over any folders.
- You will first introduce yourself.
- My name is _________
- My middle school was _________
- Favorite __________
- Least favorite _________
- Next, you will rotate through 8 stations.
- The stations are described in this presentation.
- Pick up both field trip permission slips from the front table. (Gardner Webb University & Discovery Place)
- Turn in your SMART Goals.
- Sign up for text message reminders from Remind: Text @pays23 to# 81010
- Complete the Student Survey handout and have parents fill in the Contract information. Return Monday
- Review your Syllabus
- Finish your personal mandala. You will present on Wednesday, August 15 (Fireman Challenge Day).
- Permission Slips for the Fireman Challenge are DUE NOW- August 15
- We will have team building and fun activities planned for the students. Also, please bring a change of clothes and a towel. You will get wet and messy.