28 November 2018

28 November 2018

Intro to Pub:

Do Now:

  1. Journal


  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 4 
  2. 3rd: Mrs. Wilkinson- thinking traps
  3. 2nd: Perspectives on Cyberbullying


  • After answering these questions, comment on two other people's posts. 1. Are actions in an online community (like slurs on a website) different than actions taken offline (like the notes left on Lyla's locker at school)? Why or why not? 2. How are anonymous actions (like posting on a website or leaving a note) different from things done face-to-face? 3. Imagine you were a bystander at this school watching the situation unfold. What do you think you would have done? Do bystanders have a responsibility to do anything?
  • Vocabulary Week #7 due Monday
  • Grammar Quiz tomorrow


27 November 2018

27 November 2018

Intro to Pub:

Do Now:

  1. ReadTheory Practice


  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 4 
  2. 2nd: Mrs. Wilkinson- thinking traps
  3. 3rd: Perspectives on Cyberbullying


  • After answering these questions, comment on two other people's posts. 1. Are actions in an online community (like slurs on a website) different than actions taken offline (like the notes left on Lyla's locker at school)? Why or why not? 2. How are anonymous actions (like posting on a website or leaving a note) different from things done face-to-face? 3. Imagine you were a bystander at this school watching the situation unfold. What do you think you would have done? Do bystanders have a responsibility to do anything?


26 November 2018

26 November 2018

Intro to Pub:

Do Now:

  1. SSR- Silent Reading for 10 minutes


  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 4 
  2. Privacy Policies from Websites


  1. Thoughts on our "filter bubble"- Do you agree or disagree with Pariser?
  2. As web companies strive to tailor their services (including news and search results) to our personal tastes, there's a dangerous unintended consequence: We get trapped in a "filter bubble" and don't get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. Eli Pariser argues powerfully that this will ultimately prove to be bad for us and bad for democracy.


14 November 2018

14 November 2018

Intro to Pub:

Do Now:

  1. Social Media Bias sort


  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 4 #3
  2. 3rd Pd: Mrs. Wilkinson- Turn in HW
  3. 2nd Pd: Research Advanced Search Functions and NCWiseOwl Notes


  1. Thoughts, Emotions, Behaviors
  • Vocabulary Week #6 due Monday
  • Selfie Project Due Monday


13 November 2018

13 November 2018

Intro to Pub:

Do Now:

  1. EdPuzzle Warm Up- Website Reliability


  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 4 #2
  2. 2nd Pd: Mrs. Wilkinson- Turn in HW
  3. 3rd Pd: Research Advanced Search Functions and NCWiseOwl Notes


  1. Cut out site bias cards.
  • Vocabulary Week #6 due Monday
  • Selfie Project Due Monday


12 November 2018

12 November 2018

Intro to Pub:

Do Now:

  1. SSR- Silent Reading 10 minutes


  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 4 #1
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Sign up for Academic Hour
  4. Group A to Costner this Friday
  5. Mrs. Wilkinson will be in this week
  6. Rights, Remixes, and Respect Lesson
    • Take notes in Writer's Notebook


  1. Should you follow the rules?
  • Vocabulary Week #5 due Today
  • Vocabulary Week #6 due Monday
  • Selfie Project Due Monday


07 November 2018

7 November 2018

Intro to Pub:

Do Now:

  1. Journal #11


  1. 2nd pd: Final Zombie Project work today 
    • You've had 1 month to complete this assignment. 
    • The video is DUE today at 3:45pm
    • Your Presentation is tomorrow 4th pd
    • Your grade will be an average of both elements
  2. 3rd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson
    • Your final Zombie Project day was yesterday
    • Your video is DUE today at 3:45pm
    • You've had 1 month to complete this assignment
    • Your Presentation is tomorrow 4th pd
    • Your Zombie grade will be an average of the video and presentation


  1. Final check with your partners on the assignment
  • Vocabulary Week #5
  • Zombie Project
    • Video due November 7
    • Presentation November 8


01 November 2018

1 November 2018

Intro to Pub:

Do Now:

  1. Comma Splice Homework Review


  1. Comma Notes
  2. Read "The Hand" on Actively Learn
  3. When your entire group is finished, work on your Zombie Project. 
  4. Math rates have been returned.  Complete your 2nd graph.


  1. Carr and Costner Tomorrow
  • Vocabulary Week #4
  • Zombie Project
    • Video due November 7
    • Presentation November 8
