English II
- 30 minutes Plaintiff
- 30 minutes Defense
- Rehearse with your witnesses
- Witnesses- make any changes lawyers require
- Trial begins tomorrow
- Review Stems List #35
- Actively Learn article due Thursday 3:45pm
- CommonLit due Monday
- Flex Friday Review
English II
- Review Stems List #35
- Actively Learn article due Thursday 3:45pm
- CommonLit due Monday
- Flex Friday
English II
- After completing your warm up, Agenda Review
- After Agenda check, review Trial requirements.
- Opening/Closing statement
- Affidavit
- Questions for Witnesses from Lawyers
- Lawyers' Opening/Closing Statements
- Practice/Rehearsal on Monday
- Work with your groups on trial work.
- Submit Opening/Closing statements (review notes on assignment). Finish working on Affidavits (1 per character). Questions to witnesses from lawyers.
- Review Stems List #35
- Actively Learn article due Thursday 3:45pm
- Flex Friday
English II
- Switch with Sain 45 mins
- Math quiz
- Logic Map conferences and Trial work time
- Have you submitted your Annotated Bibliographies? Logic Map? Begin working on Opening/Closing statements (review notes on assignment). Begin working on Affidavits (1 per character).
- Rhetorical triangle and SOAPStone for Gettysburg Address. Due Monday.
- Review Stems List #35
- Actively Learn article about Cohen due today 3:45pm
- Field trip Friday to colleges
English II
- Quizlet Live
- Log in to ReadTheory- 20 minutes of practice
- Sign up for Trial Google Classroom
- Separated into groups for My Sister's Keeper and Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
- Decide on trial/case/argument for each court
- Choose roles
- Review assignments and due dates for each role
- Review Stems List #34
- Actively Learn article about Cohen due Thursday 3:45pm
- Field trip Friday to colleges