Intro to Publications
- Journal #11
- Topic: Genius
- Consider: What would be some of the benefits and drawbacks to being this intelligent at such a young age?
- 2nd: Mrs. Wilkinson in class today
- 3rd: Google Sheets/Spreadsheets activity
- Check Google Classroom to sign up for Google Applied Digital Skills
Homework & Reminders
- Actively Learn
- Quill Assignments (all 6 assignments will be combined into 1 grade)
- EdPuzzle
- Selfie Project (test grade)
- Remember: Update your agenda daily. I have met with several of you to work on this skill. You should be checking your Google Calendar and each teachers' board in class for other assignments. When you write your work down, you do not have to rely on memory. Pen and paper can be more reliable than memory.
- Email: Keep checking and cleaning your email. It is an important communication tool at GECHS, College, and in many businesses.