04 December 2017

4 December 2017

  1. Journal
  2. Agenda/Calendar Update
  3. Flocabulary
  4. RUR background info- Fill in the NOTES  (key)
  5. Begin Reading RUR

29 November 2017

29 November 2017

  1. Present Epic Selfie Adventure Project (due yesterday)
  2. Grammar Test #4 tomorrow (no notes)
  3. Vocabulary #5 due tomorrow 
  4. Review Blog formatting presentation & article tutorial

28 November 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence
    • Test Thursday Loop 4
  2. Selfie Project submitted to Classroom BEFORE class begins
  3. Silent Reading 20 minutes
  4. 2nd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson
    • Blog Intro Post Due w/embed
  5. 3rd pd: Review directions on Classroom

27 November 2017

27 November 2017

  1. New Seats
  2. Grammar Sentence #6
    • Test Thursday no notes
  3. Flocabulary
  4. SSR- 20 minutes reading time
  5. 3rd- Mrs. Wilkinson 
  6. 2nd- Blogger- how to embed
    • Write and publish an introductory blog post
    • Remember to not give your full name or any other sensitive, identifying information
    • Be concise and interesting
    • Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanics
    • Embed your introductory Prezi
  7. Oedipus on Common Lit due today
  8. Selfie project presented tomorrow in class
  9. Grammar Test Thursday
  10. Vocabulary #5 due Thursday
  11. Check Google Classroom Calendar/To Do List
  12. Check and clean email daily

20 November 2017

20 November 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence
  2. Review -ToDo List & Assignment List from Classroom
  3. Tomorrow- Website Link must be posted BEFORE class tomorrow- Presentations in class
  4. Turn in Mrs. Wilkinson's work (Yellow sheet) 3rd pd. 
  5. Assigned Book Talk video. Review assignment and begin. Due Dec. 11
  6. Work on Survival Website & Choose novel.
  7. Reminders:
    • Oedipus on Common Lit
    • Vocabulary (#5 & #6)
    • Actively Learn Articles for Pearl Harbor Day (2)
    • Grammar Test #4- Nov. 30

16 November 2017

16 November 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence
  2. Work on Survival Website Due: Tuesday 11/21 BEFORE class (presenting in class)
    • Vocabulary Due today: 85% screenshot required
    • Oedipus due 11/27
    • Selfie Project due 11/28 (assigned August 12)
    • Group B Service Learning this Friday
    • Fall break next week (No school Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday)
    • Clean and check your email daily
    • Update your ToDo calendar daily

14 November 2017

14 November 2017


  1. Flocabulary
  2. Grammar Sentence #1
  3. Grammar Sentence #2 (if time)
  4. Journal
  5. Class w/Mrs. Wilkinson
  6. HW: Actively Learn reading "The Pit and the Pendulum,"  Vocabulary.com List #4- Figurative Language, Write an introduction to you on your blog.

08 November 2017

8 November 2017

This week students have worked on their Zombie project every day.   This project will be presented to Juniors and Seniors Friday morning during Enrichment time.  This project combines Intro to Pub, World History, Earth Science, and Math I or Foundations of Math II.


  1. Grammar Test corrections are due tomorrow by 3:45pm
  2. Powder Puff is Thursday night at Highland.
  3. Report Cards are sent home Thursday.
  4. Butter braid money is due Friday.
  5. Check our Facebook page or Twitter for more upcoming events.
  6. Math I tutoring is Monday afternoon.
  7. Class website
  8. Remember to check and clean your email daily.
  9. Check your ToDo list on Classroom.
  10. Veteran's Day is Saturday.
  11. Beta Bash is next Friday at 5pm. The fee for entry is $5 or 5 cans of chicken noodle soup or 5 medium sized bottles of Gatorade​. The Beta Club will begin taking up money or supplies during lunch on Monday like Girls' and Guys' Night, and everyone who prepays will receive an extra raffle ticket for a prom ticket or gift cards. Fiscal proceeds go to Relay for Life and food donations go towards Cancer Services of Gaston County.

31 October 2017

31 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence
    • Test Thursday- no notes
  2. 3rd: How to make a blog using Blogger
  3. Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson 2nd
  4. Progress Reports & PSA Rubric returned
  5. Project Planning Sheet for future projects
  6. Work on "The Landlandy"
  7. Vocabulary due Thursday 85%

30 October 2017

30 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence #5 (Test on Thursday)
  2. Agenda/Calendar Review-Update
  3. Review Project Planning Guide
  4. Create 2 comics using Make Beliefs Comix
    • 1 comic is an example of a positive online relationship
    • 1 comic is a lesson about how to respond to an uncomfortable conversation online
  5. Post both screenshots to SeeSaw activity log for the class to share.
  6. Actively Learn Short Story due Thursday morning- "The Landlady"
    • Quill Diagnostic
    • EverFi Ignition Digital Citizenship assignment
    • Vocabulary.com =85% or better
    • Selfie Project
    • Butter Braids
    • Service Learning this Friday Group A & Carr
    • Clean EMAIL daily
    • Organize your calendar/agenda daily

26 October 2017

26 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence
  2. Actively Learn Article Warm-up Due
  3. Pink Shirts have been delivered
  4. 2nd pd: Wilkinson Lesson
  5. 3rd pd: NearPod: Risky Online Relationships
  6. Avatars- create 2 and upload to SeeSaw activity (real you & fake you)
  7. Select your real avatar and set your Google school profile image to this avatar.
    • Quill Diagnostic
    • EverFi Ignition Digital Citizenship assignment
    • Vocabulary.com =85% or better
    • Selfie Project
    • Butter Braids
    • MORP
    • Service Learning this Friday Group B & Carr
    • Clean EMAIL daily
    • Organize your calendar/agenda daily
    • Academic Hour sign up today

25 October 2017

25 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 3 #3
  2. Journal
  3. Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson 3rd today 2nd tomorrow
  4. Risky Online Relationships on NearPod
  5. Avatars- create 2 and upload to SeeSaw activity (real you & fake you)
  6. Select your real avatar and set your Google school profile image to this avatar.
    • Quill Diagnostic
    • EverFi Ignition Digital Citizenship assignment
    • Vocabulary.com =85% or better
    • Selfie Project
    • Butter Braids
    • MORP
    • Service Learning this Friday Group B & Carr
    • Clean EMAIL daily
    • Organize your calendar/agenda daily
    • Academic Hour sign up today

24 October 2017

24 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 3 #2
  2. Journal
  3. Who Am I Online? Lesson & Discussion
  4. Create 2 avatars and load mirror image as your profile image in Google
  5. Vocabulary to 85% accuracy instead of 100%.
  6. Reminders:
    • Butter Braids
    • Morp Friday Night
    • PowderPuff Change in date
    • 2nd 6weeks grading period ends November 2
    • Report Cards November 9
    • Check Facebook events for school events
    • Check your agenda daily and clean up your email

23 October 2017

23 October 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 3 Sentence #1
  2. SeeSaw Register & Complete Activity Assigned
  3. Copyright PopQuiz
  4. 2nd pd Vote for Spirit Week 9th grade Participant
  5. Butter Braids
  6. Update Agendas/Calendars
  7. Academic Hour Sign Up
  8. Share Videos 

18 October 2017

18 October 2017

  1. Journal Topic
  2. Work on Vocabulary, Quill Diagnostic, or PSA
  3. Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson 3rd
  4. HW: PSA, Vocabulary, Quill, EverFi, Selfie Project
  5. Academic Hour
  6. Group A to Costner this Friday & Carr
  7. Vote for 10th grade
  8. Sign up for Powder Puff
  9. Butter Braid Sale (9th grade $ orders to Payseur)

12 October 2017

12 October 2017

  1. Finish Survey for School & Mrs. Wilkinson
  2. Separated into groups, splice a presentation about GWU to prepare for tomorrow.
  3. Time to work on Bullying PSA
  4. Mrs. Wilkinson meeting w/3rd 
  5. HW: Quill Diagnostic, Vocabulary Practice List #1, Survey, Bully PSA

10 October 2017

10 October 2017

  1. Journal
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Flocabulary
  4. Turn in Homework
  5. Vocabulary.com Information on New Vocabulary Assignments
  6. Quill- grammar diagnostic assigned
  7. 2nd: Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson
  8. 3rd: Nearpod lesson on Cyberbullying
  9. WeVideo Introduction
  10. Video Project assigned
  11.  HW: GWU Stuff due, PinkOut Orders due, MORP due, Grammar Test Corrections Due, clean email

09 October 2017

9 October 2017

  1. Stems Quiz #8
  2. Blending Quotations Notes
  3. Blending Quotes Homework
  4. 3rd Pd: Research Melanie Crowder for author Skype session Wednesday at the Library
  5. Procrastination HW for Mrs. Wilkinson
  6. GWU $ due
  7. Pink Out $ due

04 October 2017

3-4 October 2017

  1. Journal
  2. Stems #8 (Quiz Monday)
  3. Grammar Test #2 Thursday
  4. Small groups:
    • Step 1: Leaders will assign people for each argument.
    • Step 2: Argument Pairs will find a min. of 2 pieces of research/evidence to support your argument.
    • Step 3: Each person in the Argument Pair will write 1 paragraph incorporating the evidence seamlessly. (Everyone will turn in a paragraph)
    • Step 4: Each Argument Pair will choose the best paragraph.
    • Step 5: 1 person will write the opening & closing statement.Step 6: Organize your argument: Choose who will speak in what order.
  5. Mrs. Wilkinson- Procrastination 
  6. Pink Out Shirt Money Due
  7. Gardner Webb University $ & Permission Slips Due

02 October 2017

2 October 2017

  1. Flocabulary
  2. Journal
  3. Grammar Sentence Loop 2 #5 
    • Grammar Test #2 Thursday
  4. Agenda/Calendar update
  5. Work in small groups to finalize individual arguments w/cited evidence.
  6. Each person will write 1 paragraph using their specific element of the argument and blend 2 quotes. Of the paragraphs, 1 speaker will be chosen for each argument. 1 speaker will be chosen for the opening. 1 speaker will be chosen for the closing.
    • 3rd period will speak Tuesday
    • 2nd period will speak Wednesday
  7. Proper discussion etiquette will be followed.
  8. Gardner Webb permission slips & $ due.
  9. Breast Cancer t-shirt orders due this week.
  10. HW: Study grammar, permission slips, finalize argument, Blending Quotations Handout, Paragraph done today

28 September 2017

28 September 2017

  1. Stems Quiz #7
  2. Turn in permission slips and $
  3. After Stems Quiz, watch EdPuzzle Video
  4. Carr & Costner A tomorrow
  5. Report Cards
  6. After Stems Quiz and Video, students will work with small groups to analyze arguments and begin finding research to support.

27 September 2017

27 September 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence #4
  2. Journal
  3. Stems Review #7
  4. Fake News WebQuest due Thursday before class begins- may work with a partner or alone.
  5. Mrs. Wilkinson- procrastination lesson
  6. 2nd: DACA debate info
  7. Choosing sides/arguments
  8. Outline
    • Due 2nd: 10/4
    • Due 3rd: 10/3
  9. Resources list
  10. Bias Surveys
  11. Procrastination Triggers for Mrs. Wilkinson
  12. Sign up for Academic Hour
  13. Field Trip Permission Slip & $ for GWU
  14. Work on County Digital Citizenship PPTs

26 September 2017

26 September 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence #3 (image posted above)
  2. Stems List #7
  3. Flocabulary
  4. Fake News WebQuest due Thursday before class begins- may work with a partner or alone.
  5. Mrs. Wilkinson- procrastination lesson
  6. 3rd: How to debate
  7. Choosing sides/arguments
  8. Outline
    • Due 2nd: 10/4
    • Due 3rd: 10/3
  9. Resources list
  10. Sign up for Academic Hour
  11. Field Trip Permission Slip & $ for GWU
  12. Work on County Digital Citizenship PPTs

21 September 2017

21 September 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence #2
    • Test Corrections due Monday
  2. Stems Quiz #6
    • Review Stems #7 
  3. Article Response
  4. Review Agenda
  5. Update Calendar
  6. HW: Corrections, Mrs. Wilkinson Reflection, Clean email, Update Agenda, Sign up for Remind, Check posts on Google Classroom GECHS All & Class of 2022, Assignments for Monday (sub)
  7. Group B Service Learning tomorrow

20 September 2017

20 September 2017

  1. Stems #6 Review Game
    • Quiz tomorrow
  2. Grammar Sentence #1 Loop 2
  3. Forward college email to GCS email
  4. Effective Search Strategies
  5. Real or Fake
    • Key
  6. A Google A Day
  7. Mrs. Wilkinson- Procrastination
  8. HW: Reflection for Mrs. Wilkinson

19 September 2017

19 September 2017

  1. New Seats
  2. Flocabulary
  3. Journal
  4. Stems #6
  5. Effective Search Strategies
  6. Real or Fake
  7. A Google A Day
  8. Mrs. Wilkinson- Procrastination

18 September 2017

18 September 2017

  1. Journal
  2. Stems #6
    • Quiz Thursday
  3. Grammar Test Loop 1
    • Corrections due Monday
  4. Grading period ends Wednesday
    • Report cards next Thursday, September 28
  5. Discount Cards & $ due Tuesday, September 19
  6. Tracking Time sheet due- Color Code for HW

14 September 2017

14 September 2017

  1. Grammar Test Monday- Open Note only handwritten notes, no computer notes.
  2. Stems Quiz #5
  3. Work time on Splice Presentation or Brexit Presentation
  4. Service Learning begins tomorrow
    • wear appropriate uniform
    • act maturely

13 September 2017

13 September 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence #5
    • HW Sentence #6
  2. 3rd: Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson-Procrastination
  3. 2nd pd: 
    1. Review Advanced Google Search Commands
    2. Wayback Machine Intro- Due Today
    3. Google Spliced Presentation -Due Thursday
  4. Study Stems -Quiz Thursday
  5. Continue filling in your Schedule

12 September 2017

12 September 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence #4
    • HW Sentence #5
  2. Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson-Procrastination
  3. 3rd pd: 
    1. Review Advanced Google Search Commands
    2. Wayback Machine Intro- Due Today
    3. Wayback Presentation Brexit -Due Thursday Cancelled
    4. Google Spliced Presentation
    5. Prezi & Media Log Revision DUE
  4. Study Stems
  5. Continue filling in your Schedule

11 September 2017

11 September 2017

  1. Flocabulary
  2. Turn in Carr/Costner Permission Slips
  3. Media Log & Prezi Revision DUE [2nd TODAY, 3rd TOMORROW]
    • If file/link NOT SUBMITTED, no grade=0.
    • No CITATIONS, no grade=0.
    • If LATE, no grade=0.
  4. Stems Quiz #4
  5. After your Stems Quiz #4, review Stems #5 list
  6. After you review Stems #5, complete the Google Search Activity #1 on Classroom.
  7. Grammar Sentence #4 tomorrow
    • Grammar Test Monday
      • Open Note
  8. Review Weekly Agenda/Google Calendar
  9. Mrs. Wilkinson 2nd pd tomorrow, 3rd pd Wednesday
  10. HW: Study Stems #5, Review Grammar Sentence, Begin tracking Use of Time schedule, 

07 September 2017

7 September 2017

  1. Stems Quiz #4 Moved to Monday
  2. Grammar Sentence #3
  3. Presented Media Log
  4. 3rd- Finish Prezi
  5. Fix Media Log- Due Monday
  6. Fix Prezi- Due Monday
    1. Students have a chance to make any changes to their Media Logs and Prezi Presentations before grading. These two presentations are test grades. After presenting, students have been told what to fix to make these projects better. Hopefully, students are taking advantage of this chance.

06 September 2017

6 September 2017

  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 1 #2
  2. Stems #4 Quiz tomorrow
  3. Media Log Infographic due today (test grade)
  4. 2nd pd: Finish Prezi Presentations
    • Revision due Monday 3:45pm
  5. 3rd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson meeting
  6. HW: Study Stems, Grammar Sentence #3, Carr/Costner Survey, Academic Hour

05 September 2017

5 September 2017

  1. Flocabulary
  2. Journal
  3. Stems #4 Review
    • Quiz Thursday
  4. Grammar Sentence 4 Level Analysis: Loop 1 Sentence #1
  5. Present Prezi Presentations (3rd)
  6. Mrs. Wilkinson Class (2nd)
  7. HW: Finish Media Log ( LINK & JPG FILE must be submitted to Classroom by the due TIME or it is LATE and a 0- This is a test grade), complete Carr/Costner Survey Form, Study Stems

31 August 2017

31 August 2017

  1. Stems Quiz #3
  2. Media Log Data Due
    • Add total # of hours
    • Categorize data into groups (At least 5)
      • Homework
      • Classwork
      • Social Media
      • Gaming
      • TV/Streaming Movies
      • YouTube
      • Music
      • Communication
    • Find % of Digital Media use for total week (168 hours) and total Media Log data
  3. Piktochart assigned
  4. Media Log Infographic due Wednesday
  5. Presentations
  6. Discount Cards -continue to sell and turn in $
  7. All Grammar videos finished today
  8. No school Monday

29 August 2017

29 August 2017

  1. Journal
  2. Stems #3 Review
  3. Turn in Media Logs
  4. Submit Prezi Links to the Google Doc
  5. In your Writer's Notebook, take notes on Good Presentation Skills & Good Visual Presentation Qualities from resources below
  • Discount Cards
  • Academic Hour

28 August 2017

28 August 2017

  1. Flocabulary
  2. Journal
  3. Stems #3 Review
  4. Image Citation Activity Review
    • MLA Format
    • Key
  5. Prezi Presentation Work (due tomorrow)
    • MUST include citations of any images (Creative Commons only)
  • Discount Cards
  • Media Log due tomorrow
  • Grammar Flipped Notes Videos
  • Academic Hour Sign Up

24 August 2017

24 August 2017

  1. New Seats
  2. Kahoot- Copyright Review
  3. Stems Quiz #2
  4. Cite This Image Practice
  5. Personal Prezi Assigned
  6. Work on Grammar Videos

23 August 2017

23 August 2017

  1. Stems #2 Quizlet Live
    • Quiz Thursday
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Work on Legal/Fair Activity
  4. Mrs. Wilkinson Lesson
    • Essential 55 reading Due
  • Flex Friday
  • Academic Hour
  • Clubs
  • Grammar Notes/Videos

21 August 2017

21 August 2017

  1. Flocabulary
  2. Journal
  3. Stems #2
  4. Creative Commons EdPuzzle Video
  5. How to find creative commons images
  6. Image Citations Activity
  7. EDU Easy Bib registration: Gastohs195
  8. Is Easy Bib correct? What errors can we find and fix?
  9. Assign Media Log
    • Due 7 days

18 August 2017

18 August 2017

Everything is a Remix Part 1 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

  1. Stems #1 Quiz
  2. Video- Everything is a Remiz
  3. Work on Grammar Notes
  4. Picture Day!
  • Earth Science HW due Monday
  • World History HW due Monday & Thursday
  • FoM2: Test & Notebook Check Tuesday
  • Stems Quiz #2 Thursday
  • First Flex Friday 

16 August 2017

16 August 2017

  1. Fireman Training tomorrow- Dress appropriately & bring extra clothes/water
  2. Stems Quizlet Live Review Game
  3. Journal
  4. Digital Life 102 Notes 2nd pd
  5. Mrs. Wilkinson w/3rd pd
  6. Essential 55 assigned
  7. HW: Grammar, Email Etiquette, Study Stems
  8. Discount Cards on sale now $10

15 August 2017

15 August 2017

  1. Journal
  2. Stems #1 Partner Study
  3. Digital Life Discussion
  4. Turn in Contract & Fireman permission form
  5. Mrs. Wilkinson class w/2nd pd- assign Essential 55
  • Email HW
  • Assign Epic Selfie Project
  • Grammar Notes due this week
  • Notes from 3rd pd.
  • Simile posted in Classroom

14 August 2017

14 August 2017

  1. Journal
  2. Turn in Contracts
  3. Turn in Fireman Permission Form
  4. Stems #1 Review
  5. Media Smarts Quiz
  6. Useful Sites Log In Record 
  7. Email Etiquette
  8. Time to work on Grammar
  9. Reminder: Grammar Notes Due Thursday & Friday

11 August 2017

11 August 2017

  1. Assigned Seats
  2. Journal Prompt- set up composition book
  3. Handouts: Syllabus & Contract
  4. Bookmarks- teacher sites & other important ones
  5. EdPuzzle- Grammar assignments
  6. Quizlet- Stem Study Guides
  7. Remind- text message reminders
  8. Google Calendar, Classroom, & GMail set up
  9. HW: Begin collecting photos you want to use in a presentation about yourself

10 August 2017

10 August 2017

  1. Reviewed class procedures
  2. Took a "Getting to Know You" Quiz
  3. Stems will begin with first quiz next Thursday
  4. Students signed up for Remind messages
  5. Quizlet link for Stems
  6. EdPuzzle for Grammar Notes (Will assign Monday)
  7. Registered for Google Classroom
Parents, I will send home a contact info sheet & syllabus tomorrow.  Please fill in a valid email and phone number for your contact information.  I will send you an invite through Google Classroom to receive weekly emails when I get that information.

08 August 2017

9 August 2017

  1. WELCOME to your new school!
  2. Getting to know you: Icebreakers
  3. Tie Dye
  4. Senior Meet-n-Greet
  5. Campus Scavenger Hunt
  6. Remember to bring back your BYOD (pink) & 1:1 Chromebook (green) agreement forms.
  7. Remember to bring your Fireman Activity (blue) permission slip.