08 November 2017

8 November 2017

This week students have worked on their Zombie project every day.   This project will be presented to Juniors and Seniors Friday morning during Enrichment time.  This project combines Intro to Pub, World History, Earth Science, and Math I or Foundations of Math II.


  1. Grammar Test corrections are due tomorrow by 3:45pm
  2. Powder Puff is Thursday night at Highland.
  3. Report Cards are sent home Thursday.
  4. Butter braid money is due Friday.
  5. Check our Facebook page or Twitter for more upcoming events.
  6. Math I tutoring is Monday afternoon.
  7. Class website
  8. Remember to check and clean your email daily.
  9. Check your ToDo list on Classroom.
  10. Veteran's Day is Saturday.
  11. Beta Bash is next Friday at 5pm. The fee for entry is $5 or 5 cans of chicken noodle soup or 5 medium sized bottles of Gatorade​. The Beta Club will begin taking up money or supplies during lunch on Monday like Girls' and Guys' Night, and everyone who prepays will receive an extra raffle ticket for a prom ticket or gift cards. Fiscal proceeds go to Relay for Life and food donations go towards Cancer Services of Gaston County.

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