09 April 2018

9 April 2018

English II AP-Prep:

Do Now:

  1. Read Theory Practice: 20 minutes
  2. Flocabulary


  1. Review Stems #1
    • Join new Quizlet Group HERE
  2. Analyze DFA data from County benchmarks


  1. Map CLOCK (visual above image and video below) journey of hero movie- prepare to transfer to poster tomorrow


  • Quill -Capitalization due Thursday @ 3:45pm
  • NCSU Field trip Friday
  • Leadership Luncheon Thursday

English IV

Do Now:

  1. Read Theory Practice: 25 minutes


  1. 1984 Intro Poster Project. Pick a topic. 1 per student
    1. Surveillance
    2. Dystopian (Haylee)
    3. Totalitarianism (Weston)
    4. Censorship
    5. Propaganda
    6. Government-controlled Media (Jessica)

    1. 1 dictionary definition
    2. 3 (cited) examples of this happening NOW
    3. 1 quote about the topic by an author, politician, philosopher, or historian
    4. 2 synonyms
    5. 5-8 sentence explanatory paragraph about the topic


  1. Finish poster for HW

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