04 December 2019

4 December 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. Journal #11
    • Topic: Genius
    • Consider: What would be some of the benefits and drawbacks to being this intelligent at such a young age?
  2. 2nd: Mrs. Wilkinson in class today
  3. 3rd: Google Sheets/Spreadsheets activity
  4. Check Google Classroom to sign up for Google Applied Digital Skills

Homework & Reminders

  1. Actively Learn
  2. Quill Assignments (all 6 assignments will be combined into 1 grade)
  3. EdPuzzle
  4. Selfie Project (test grade)

  • RememberUpdate your agenda daily.  I have met with several of you to work on this skill. You should be checking your Google Calendar and each teachers' board in class for other assignments.  When you write your work down, you do not have to rely on memory. Pen and paper can be more reliable than memory. 
  • Email: Keep checking and cleaning your email.  It is an important communication tool at GECHS, College, and in many businesses. 

19 November 2019

19 November 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. 2nd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson in today.
    • You will have time to work on your Fairy Tale paragraphs (rewrite #1 due tomorrow)
  2. 3rd pd: Hoaxes and Fakes
  3. Complete this quiz to test your literacy
  4. Submit handout by the end of class
  5. If you have time, listen to THIS PODCAST and read THIS ARTICLE
  6. :::Sites to help fact check stories and information:::
  7. Real or Fake: Check these sites. Are they real or fake?

Homework & Reminders

  1. Actively Learn
  2. Blog Post #4
  3. Quill Assignments (all 6 assignments will be combined into 1 grade)
  4. EdPuzzle
  5. Code Academy (test grade)
  6. Selfie Project (test grade)

  • RememberUpdate your agenda daily.  I have met with several of you to work on this skill. You should be checking your Google Calendar and each teachers' board in class for other assignments.  When you write your work down, you do not have to rely on memory. Pen and paper can be more reliable than memory. 
  • Email: Keep checking and cleaning your email.  It is an important communication tool at GECHS, College, and in many businesses. 

18 November 2019

18 November 2019

Intro to Publications


  1.  Mental Health Awareness Activity (3rd pd)
  2. Flocabulary
  3. SSR- Find a book and READ
  4. SAT Vocab Review Week #4 (Quiz next Tuesday)
  5. Agenda Review- Open your Google Calendar and Google Classroom and add all details to your calendar. 
    • Side Note: For some reason, some assignments from Classroom are not showing in Calendar.  Please compare Google Calendar with Google Classroom and double check that you have a Quill assignment due this Thursday. If you are assigned 2 for this week, then that is an error. Please email me to fix it. 
  6. Challenging Confirmation Bias lesson
    • Handout
    • Quiz (Posted in Classroom- 3 question lesson check)

Homework & Reminders

  1. Finish lesson from today and submit. Do not complete the last section- only the notes/resources review section.
  2. Actively Learn
  3. Blog Post #4
  4. Quill Assignments (all 6 assignments will be combined into 1 grade)
  5. EdPuzzle
  6. Code Academy (test grade)
  7. Selfie Project (test grade)

  • Remember: Update your agenda daily.  I have met with several of you to work on this skill. You should be checking your Google Calendar and each teachers' board in class for other assignments.  When you write your work down, you do not have to rely on memory. Pen and paper can be more reliable than memory. 
  • Email: Keep checking and cleaning your email.  It is an important communication tool at GECHS, College, and in many businesses. 

13 November 2019

13 November 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. NPR Podcast
  2. After listening to the Podcast, write in your journal: Do you think there should be or will be rules about space? If so, what are they? Who is in charge of space? Should the satellites be regulated? How?
  3. 2nd: Mrs. Wilkinson in class today. Have your  name tag out and ready.
  4. 3rd: RACES Lesson using Fairy Tales

Homework & Reminders

  1. Actively Learn
  2. Blog Post #4
  3. Quill Assignments
  4. EdPuzzle
  5. Code Academy
  6. Selfie Project
  7. Remember: Update your agenda daily.  I have met with several of you to work on this skill. You should be checking your Google Calendar and each teachers' board in class for other assignments.  When you write your work down, you do not have to rely on memory. Pen and paper can be more reliable than memory. 
  8. Email: Keep checking and cleaning your email.  It is an important communication tool at GECHS, College, and in many businesses. 

12 November 2019

12 November 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. SAT Vocabulary Quiz Week #3 Today
  2. After your vocabulary quiz, you may work quietly, read, or color until everyone is finished. Absolutely no vocabulary is out while others are taking their quiz.
  3. Watching Zombie Videos from Project. We are proud to share our work with each other.
  4. Actively Learn article is due Thursday.
  5. Quill Assignments have been posted to students based on individual needs. Check Classroom for your assignments.
  6. Blog Post #4 has been assigned.  Review the assignment sheet and use DocHub to complete the annotation for the article.  I want you to have practice using digital tools to annotate just like you will use for your NC Final Exams and other online tests. 
  7. EdPuzzle: How to be Self Aware due Nov. 22.
  8. Remember: Update your agenda daily.  I have met with several of you to work on this skill. You should be checking your Google Calendar and each teachers' board in class for other assignments.  When you write your work down, you do not have to rely on memory. Pen and paper can be more reliable than memory. 
  9. Email: Keep checking and cleaning your email.  It is an important communication tool at GECHS, College, and in many businesses. 

Homework & Reminders

  1. Actively Learn
  2. Blog Post #4
  3. Quill Assignments
  4. EdPuzzle
  5. Code Academy
  6. Selfie Project

22 October 2019

22 October 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. Grammar Loop 2 Sentence #1 & Loop 2 Sentence #2
    • HW Sentence:  Suddenly, the massive hatch slammed down.
  2. Flocabulary News video
  3. 2nd pd: SAT Vocabulary Quiz Week #2
  4. 3rd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson -Emotions
  5. Actively Learn article is due today.
  6. EdPuzzle on punctuating titles is due Thursday
  7. Quill Diagnostic is due Friday.

Homework & Reminders

  1. Grammar Sentence #3
  2. Actively Learn
  3. EdPuzzle
  4. Quill

23 September 2019

23 September 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. Grammar Loop 1 Sentence #2
    • HW Sentence:  Explosions and cataclysms rocked the night thunderously.
  2. Procrastination homework for Mrs. Wilkinson
  3. Quizlet Live practice
    • Final: Stems Quiz #6 is tomorrow
  4. SSR: Sustained Silent Reading -Enjoy a book.
  5. Create a practice Works Cited
    • Set default font to MLA format: 12 Times New Roman, Double spaced
  6. Assign Technology Presentation project and groups using Wheel Decide
    • Due October 1 b 3:45pm
    • Project planning form attached to assignment
    • Assign topics to group members
    • Assign due dates for research to be completed
    • Everyone must add to the Works Cited page
      • Assign 1 person to format the Works Cited
    • Decide when to have presentation complete
    • Decide when to have the presentation practiced
    • Decide when to have the interactive component completed
  7. Actively Learn article is due today.
  8. EdPuzzle on biting nails is due today.
  9. Finish annotating Article #3  and begin writing your blog post #3

Homework & Reminders

  1. Grammar Sentence #3
  2. Study stems
  3. Begin working on your Technology Presentation Project

19 September 2019

19 September 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. Grammar Loop 1 Sentence #1
    • HW Sentence:  Our ship was hit by a weaker beam.
  2. Finish the PSA grading. 
  3. Share your scores. 
  4. Add your Link to your PSA to the document.
  5. Turn in your Annotated Article for Blog Post #2 which is due today.
  6. Actively Learn article is due Monday.
  7. EdPuzzle on biting nails is due Monday.
  8. Begin reading and annotating Article #3 

Homework & Reminders

  1. Grammar Sentence #2 due Monday
  2. Carr and Coster A to Service Learning tomorrow
    • Wear t-shirts

18 September 2019

18 September 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. Flocabulary news video
  2. Journal #4: Special Effects
  3. Review Stems #6
    • Final Stems Quiz next Tuesday  121 total words.
  4. Progress reports emailed out this morning. Appropriate reply needed. See email for details. 
  5. 2nd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson class.  Suicide information session/videos provided by county. Procrastination discussion.
  6. 3rd pd: Create a rubric for the PSA.  Group leaders must copy/paste information into the shared document on Classroom before class tomorrow

Homework & Reminders

  1. Blog #2 due Thursday by 3:45pm or it is late.

16 September 2019

16 September 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. Quizlet Live Study Week #5
    • Quiz tomorrow will have 100 words
  2. SSR- Sustained Silent Reading.  Have a book. We will READ for 20 minutes.
  3. Review Quote Answer Key from stations last Thursday
  4. 2nd pd: Create a rubric for the PSA.  Group leaders must copy/paste information into the shared document on Classroom before class tomorrow
  5. 3rd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson class.  Suicide information session/videos provided by county. Procrastination discussion.

Homework & Reminders

  1. Blog #1 revision email due tomorrow by 3:45pm- Must include: link to post, detailed description of everything corrected, and class pd. 
  2. Bring in money for Unfundraiser- Due TOMORROW
  3. Blog #2 due Thursday

11 September 2019

11 September 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. Stems Quiz #4
  2. Work on WeVideo PSA 

Homework & Reminders

  1. Blog Draft #2 due tomorrow
  2. Bring in money for Unfundraiser- Due September 13. 
  3. If you want to order a wireless mouse, bring $ and permission slip to Ms. Payseur. Due September 13.

03 September 2019

3 September 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. Stems Quiz #3
  2. Receive new article for blog post #2
    • Draft due next Thursday, September 12.
  3. Present Media Log Infographics

Homework & Reminders

  1. Current Event Blog Post #1 final due 9/5
  2. Code Academy Intro due 9/5
  3. Bring in money for Unfundraiser- Due September 13. 
  4. If you want to order a wireless mouse, bring $ and permission slip to Ms. Payseur. Due September 13.
  • Code Academy registered and assigned.  Make sure to bookmark this.
    • Intro course due September 5. Must submit a screenshot
    • Completed Code Academy Course due December 2
    • Use the article from the first day of class.
    • Article linked HERE if you lost your copy. Remember, you can print using the printer in the Commons Area. The instructions are on the printer.
    • Draft due Thursday, August 29
    • Final Draft link due Thursday, September 5

Students only can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

29 August 2019

29 August 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. 2nd pd: Read Theory and Blending Quotes
  2. Peer Editing
    • Share your blog post link w/assigned partner
    • Partner will read the blog post using
  3. 3rd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson
Basic Style for Citations of Electronic Sources (Including Online Databases)

Homework & Reminders

  1. Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due Friday , August 30 (Lesson 2, 3, 4)
  2. Media Log Presentation Due Tuesday 9/2
  3. Current Event Blog Post final due 9/5
  4. Code Academy Intro due 9/5
  • Code Academy registered and assigned.  Make sure to bookmark this.
    • Intro course due September 5. Must submit a screenshot
    • Completed Code Academy Course due December 2
    • Use the article from the first day of class.
    • Article linked HERE if you lost your copy. Remember, you can print using the printer in the Commons Area. The instructions are on the printer.
    • Draft due Thursday, August 29
    • Final Draft link due Thursday, September 5

Students only can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

28 August 2019

28 August 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. Journal #2: Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
  2. Stems #3 Review (list embedded below)
  3. Assign Media Log Infographic
    • Read the assignment and rubric first. Then, 
    • Add your data
    • Need Total Hours
    • Need to then organize all data into 5 categories
    • Each category needs:
      • Total Time Spent
      • % out of 168 Hours (total hours in 7 days)
    • Review how much of total awake time you spent on digital media
    • Next, look at the examples linked on the assignment
    • Finally, begin working in Piktochart to create your infographic
      • Sign up with your school Google account
    • You must submit the LINK and pdf/image FILE for credit. 
  4. ID pictures for college badges
  5. 3rd Pd: Review answers for the Quote It assignment/homework

Homework & Reminders

  1. 3rd Pd: Quote It practice
  2. Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due Wednesday, August 28 (Lesson 10, L1, Ex. I)
  3. Current Event Blog Post Draft due 8/29
  4. Code Academy Intro due 9/5
  • Code Academy registered and assigned.  Make sure to bookmark this.
    • Intro course due September 5. Must submit a screenshot
    • Completed Code Academy Course due December 2
    • Use the article from the first day of class.
    • Article linked HERE if you lost your copy. Remember, you can print using the printer in the Commons Area. The instructions are on the printer.
    • Draft due Thursday, August 29
    • Final Draft link due Thursday, September 5

Students only can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

27 August 2019

Social Media & Teen's Mental Health




Woman, Face, Thoughts, Media, Head, Question Mark
geralt.  "Social Media Woman."  Pixabay, 10 June 2016, pixabay.com/photos/woman-face-thoughts-media-head-1446557/. 27 Aug. 2019.  

27 August 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. Stems #2 Quiz
  2. New Seats
  3. Image Citation inserted into Blog Post
    • Author's Last Name, First Name.  "Title of Image."  Website, Publisher of Website if Different from Website, Date Created, URL of Image.  Date Accessed Day Month Year.
  4. 2nd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson
  5. 3rd pd: Read Theory and Blending Quotes
Basic Style for Citations of Electronic Sources (Including Online Databases)

Homework & Reminders

  1. 3rd Pd: Quote It practice
  2. Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due Wednesday, August 28 (Lesson 10, L1, Ex. I)
  3. Media Log Due 8/28
  4. Current Event Blog Post Draft due 8/29
  5. Code Academy Intro due 9/5
  • Code Academy registered and assigned.  Make sure to bookmark this.
    • Intro course due September 5. Must submit a screenshot
    • Completed Code Academy Course due December 2
    • Use the article from the first day of class.
    • Article linked HERE if you lost your copy. Remember, you can print using the printer in the Commons Area. The instructions are on the printer.
    • Draft due Thursday, August 29
    • Final Draft link due Thursday, September 5

Students only can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

26 August 2019

26 August 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. SSR Reading Time- Read anything for 15 minutes
  2. Quizlet Live Study Game Week #2 & Week #1 combined
  3. Copyright, Creative Commons, Public Domain, and Fair Use
  4. How to Insert and Cite an image in MLA
  5. Practice citing image in MLA format
Basic Style for Citations of Electronic Sources (Including Online Databases)

Homework & Reminders

    1. Find an image to cite in your blog post
    2. Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due Wednesday, August 28 (Lesson 10, L1, Ex. I)
    3. Study Stems #2 Quiz 8/27
    4. Media Log Due 8/28
    5. Current Event Blog Post Draft due 8/29
    6. Code Academy Intro due 9/5
    • Code Academy registered and assigned.  Make sure to bookmark this.
      • Intro course due September 5. Must submit a screenshot
      • Completed Code Academy Course due December 2
      • Use the article from the first day of class.
      • Article linked HERE if you lost your copy. Remember, you can print using the printer in the Commons Area. The instructions are on the printer.
      • Draft due Thursday, August 29
      • Final Draft link due Thursday, September 5

    Students only can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur<

    22 August 2019

    22 August 2019

    Intro to Publications


    1. Read Theory -15 minutes
    2. Flocabulary
    3. Share digital media similes by adding to classroom presentation (embedded below)
    4. Code Academy registered and assigned.  Make sure to bookmark this.
      • Intro course due September 5. Must submit a screenshot
      • Completed Code Academy Course due December 2
    5. Current Event Blog Post Assignment
      • Use the article from the first day of class.
      • Article linked HERE if you lost your copy. Remember, you can print using the printer in the Commons Area. The instructions are on the printer.
    6. How to Annotate Article Review
      • Draft due Thursday, August 29
      • Final Draft link due Thursday, September 5

    Homework & Reminders

      1. Grammar Notes from EdPuzzle due Friday, August 23 (Lesson 6, 7, 8, & 9)
      2. Study Stems #2 Quiz 8/27
      3. Media Log Due 8/28
      4. Current Event Blog Post Draft due 8/29
      5. Code Academy Intro due 9/5

      Students only can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

      21 August 2019

      21 August 2019

      Intro to Publications


      1. Journal set up and Entry #1: How do you react to failure or defeat?
      2. Agenda/Calendar review.
        • Subscribe to GECHS Google Calendar
        • Update your agenda and to-do list
      3. Went on campus to enjoy some pizza, popcorn, music, and personalized Pop Sockets! Go SGA!
      4. Begin Media Log.  Track your media use for 7 days. Write your log in your notebook or use the digital form on Classroom. 
      5. EdPuzzle videos needs to be completed on loose leaf paper and keep in your pocket folder
        • All notes are posted in Google Classroom w/assigned due dates
        • Credit given upon completion -On Time. Not late. 
        • Videos 4.1, 4.2, and 5 are due today by 3:45pm
      6. Review Stems List #2-
        • Learned how to combine multiple cards sets into 1 for easier studying
      7. My Digital Life is Like... lesson
        • Complete the inventory (part 1)
        • Discuss your findings with your table partner
        • Complete the simile for homework (part 2). We will share tomorrow

      Homework & Reminders

      1. Simile
      2. Grammar Videos
      3. Study Stems
      4. Media Log

      Students only can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

      20 August 2019

      20 August 2019

      Intro to Publications


      1. Stems Quiz #1 today
        • answers must be typed exactly as studied in Quizlet.
        • spelling counts
        • do not add a space after the word; it will count as a character to the form checker and consider the answer wrong
        • do not add unnecessary words.
        • it must be exactly as given in Quizlet for credit
      2. Finished discussion on groups 2 & 4 Are We Addicted? Digital Citizenship Lesson
        • Complete the handout as we discuss in class. (Teacher Version linked here)
      3. Went on campus to enjoy some ice cream, slushies, popcorn, and cotton candy! Go SGA!
      4. Assigned Media Log.  Track your media use for 7 days beginning tomorrow morning. Write your log in your notebook or use the digital form on Classroom. 
      5. EdPuzzle videos needs to be completed on loose leaf paper and keep in your pocket folder
        • All notes are posted in Google Classroom w/assigned due dates
        • Credit given upon completion -On Time. Not late. 
        • Videos 4.1, 4.2, and 5 are due Wednesday by 3:45pm

      Homework & Reminders

      1. Finish writing the prompt for Section #4 on the handout from class. Submit on Classroom

      Students only can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

      19 August 2019

      19 August 2019

      Intro to Publications


      1. Quizlet Live Study Game for Quiz #1 tomorrow
      2. SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) Reading independently for 20 minutes.  Bring a book to read every Monday. You may check out a book from my classroom library.
      3. Are We Addicted? Digital Citizenship Lesson
        • Complete the handout as we discuss in class. (Teacher Version linked here)
      4. Family Tips and Tricks to help students balance their media lives (English & Spanish)
      5. Make sure you add your blog URL to the spreadsheet posted in Classroom. Make sure to add your hyperlink to the correct period tab.
      6. EdPuzzle videos needs to be completed on loose leaf paper and keep in your pocket folder
        • All notes are posted in Google Classroom w/assigned due dates
        • Credit given upon completion -On Time. Not late. 
        • Videos 4.1, 4.2, and 5 are due Wednesday by 3:45pm

      Homework & Reminders

      1. Study Stems using Quizlet Week #1
      2. Begin writing the prompt for Section #4 on the handout from class

      Students only can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

      16 August 2019

      16 August 2019

      Flex Friday #1


      1. Students rotated through 3 different stations today.
        1. Growth Mindset Breakout Room
        2. Blogger Set Up tutorial
        3. Math II- IXL   Math I- Order of Operations and Organize Notebook
      2. During Academic Hour students worked on various assignments that are due soon.  These are shared to students through a school-wide link updated by teachers.
      3. During Focus, students learned about Mrs. Wilkinson, our guidance counselor, and participated in various team building activities.
      4. Club Rotations- Students visited all of our clubs to learn what options we have provided. They will choose their top 3 choices next Monday.
      5. If you were absent, you will need to create your Blog on your own.  The link is due Monday be the end of the school day.  See a video tutorial linked HERE

      Homework & Reminders

      1. Study Stems using Quizlet Week #1
      2. Contract Due
      3. Fireman day is tomorrow
      4. Permission Slips due
      5. 1:1 & BYOD forms due
      6. Information Packet Due
      Students can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

      13 August 2019

      13 August 2019

      Intro to Publications


      1. Present Mandalas
      2. Study Stems Week #1
        • Quiz on Tuesday
      3. Bookmark and fix log in for NCEdCloud
      4. Take notes on Email Etiquette
        • Expect an email homework assignment soon
      5. Set up signature on GMail
      6. Set up labels and filters on GMail
      7. Begin taking Grammar Notes through EdPuzzle on loose leaf paper and keep in your pocket folder
        • All notes are posted in Google Classroom w/assigned due dates
        • Credit given upon completion.

      Homework & Reminders

      1. Study Stems using Quizlet Week #1
      2. Contract Due
      3. Fireman day is tomorrow
      4. Permission Slips due
      5. 1:1 & BYOD forms due
      6. Information Packet Due
      Students can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

      12 August 2019

      12 August 2019

      Intro to Publications


      1. Classroom Procedures Review (Link to presentation)
      2. Sign up for Remind
        • Remember- you can sign up for email or text. Also, there is an app for that! (Apple and Android)
      3. Bookmarks and create Folders- also add favicons to Bookmarks Bar
      4. Apps to download to your phone:
        • Google Drive
        • Google Calendar
        • Google Classroom
        • Quizlet
        • Remind
        • PowerSchool
      5. Notebook Organization
        • Skip 2 pages
        • Use 1 sticky note labeled JOURNAL
        • Skip about 1/2 the pages and put the 2nd note labeled NOTES
      6. Begin taking Grammar Notes through EdPuzzle on loose leaf paper and keep in your pocket folder
        • All notes are posted in Google Classroom w/assigned due dates
        • Credit given upon completion.

      Homework & Reminders

      1. Study Stems using Quizlet Week #1
      2. Contract Due
      3. Fireman day is Wednesday
      4. Permission Slips due
      5. Mandala due Tuesday
      6. 1:1 & BYOD forms due
      7. Information Packet Due

      29 April 2019

      29 April 2019

      English II

      Do Now:

      1. Turn in Shakespeare Park permission slips & $5
      2. Will return Antigone poster test rubrics today


        1. Literature Circle Meeting #2 (youngest person goes first & picks the order)
          • Follow the directions on the documents.
          • Complete the 2nd page IN CLASS during discussion
          • Submit all documents before the end of class
        2. When your group finishes, READ.
        3. When all groups finish, we will begin presenting the Hero Journey presentations.
          • Tomorrow you will have your final in class group rehearsal for Shakespeare.  You will split according to the same groups as last week.


            1. What do we need to finish before Meeting #3?
            • Actively Learn article due Thursdays 3:45pm
            • CommonLit due Mondays
            • IRP due Thursday
            • Shakespeare is Friday
            • Talent Show is Friday


            25 April 2019

            25 April 2019

            English II

            Do Now:


            1. Agenda Review (14 academic days left)
            2. Literature Circle Meeting #1 (Shortest person goes first)
              • Follow the directions on the documents.
              • Complete the 2nd page IN CLASS during discussion
              • Submit all documents before the end of class
            3. When your group finishes, READ.
            4. If everyone finishes with time left, you may meet with your Shakespeare groups to discuss/practice.
            5. Submit your IRP#2 essay.


                1. What do we need to finish before Meeting #2?


                24 April 2019

                24 April 2019

                English II

                Do Now:


                1. Separate groups LIST HERE
                2. Practice Shakespeare with your groups
                3. Literature Circle Meeting #1 tomorrow 
                  • Have the 1st page completed BEFORE class.


                    1. What needs to be finished/ready for Shakespeare?
                    • Actively Learn article due Thursdays 3:45pm
                    • CommonLit due Mondays
                    • Academic Hour Sign Up NOW
                    • Finish Final IRP essay (Due Thursday)


                    09 April 2019

                    9 April 2019

                    English II

                    Do Now:

                    1. Sentence Combining Warm Up #3 (U21)


                      1. Review Creon's speech in Scene 1 (L18
                      2. Turn in all phones to the basket for Stems Quiz
                      3. School Device
                      4. Stems Quiz #6
                      5. After Stems Quiz, work on IRP essay. 
                      6. If everyone finishes with time left, we will continue reading Antigone. Watch the two videos below.


