22 January 2019

22 January 2019

English II

Do Now:

  1. Pick up "Harrison Bergeron" Paragraph (Some will have to rewrite this again)
  2. Pick up Character Analysis Sticky Note (W6)
  3. Complete Bellringer on screen: Sentence Combining (U5)


    1. After completing the Bellringer, discuss your short story with your small.  Review what happened and your analysis.
    2. Complete the Character Analysis Sticky Note with your group
    3. After the Sticky Note Analysis, turn in 1 copy to be graded. This goes in your SIN (W6).
    4. As a group, you will then complete the Short Story Mini Project presentation
      • Pick a leader.  Send the leader to Ms. Payseur.
      • I will share the presentation with the leader.  You will be responsible for submitting the presentation to the Google Assignment.
      • You will present tomorrow in class.


    • Share with your group:
      • What did not get finished, what is the plan to finish before tomorrow's presentation.
    • Rewrite your "Harrison Bergeron" paragraph if required
    • Finish the 3 paragraphs discussing the differences and similarities of "Harrison Bergeron" to 2081
    • Review Stems List #31
    • Actively Learn #2 due Thursday


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