- Stems #4 -Play Quizlet Games 5mins
- ReadTheory Review 10mins
- Actively Learn Holocaust Article due today
- Agenda Review
- Quill: Commonly Confused Words due Friday
- Kaizena (code is in Classroom- add to Google Docs as addon)
- Rhetorical Terms Game
- Chevy Truck Rhetorical Strategies (Update/Add to SIN2017TOC)
- HW: Write précis paragraph script
- HW: Study Stems
- HW: Quill
- HW: 3rd pd Rewrite Danger paragraphs
- HW: Research Hitler's Rise to Power & WWII on EdPuzzle- Links in Classroom
Degas, Edgar. “The Star.” Edgar Degas: The Complete Works, Musée D'Orsay, Paris, 2017, www.edgar-degas.org/The-Star-1876-77.html.