14 February 2018

14 February 2018

English II:

Warm Up:

  1. Review Vocabulary Week #4
  2. VOICE Tone: Luce (V3)


  1. Pick up revised paragraph from back table
  2. Pick up LRRH packet from table
  3. Turn in "Spaces Between The Stars" paragraph to green book on front table
  4. Add "Introducing Quotes" file to Google Drive
  5. Analyze and discuss "Little Red Riding Hood" using assigned Critical Literary Lens with partner
  6. As a class, review and check elements of "LRRH"


  1. What does LRRH teach about danger? -answer this question for homework
  2. Finish analysis of LRRH for your Lens
  3. Check your NOTEBOOKS


  • Vocabulary Quiz #4 Thursday
  • Quill Proof #1 due Tuesday 3:45 pm
  • "Still I Rise" poem Actively Learn due Friday 3:45pm
  • SIN Table of Contents  (Notebook check Thursday- Test grade)

English IV:

Warm Up:

  1. Review TPCASTT


  1. Individually Use TPCASTT to analyze "The Bait" from homework
  2. Review elements as a group
  3. Individually analyze "The Flea" using TPCASTT


  1. HW: Read Paradise Lost- complete questions 1-7 due Monday


  • Quill Thursday
  • Actively Learn Thursday due 10:30 am Sonnet 18 & 130

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