05 February 2020

5 February 2020

English II: Honors


  1. Parent Conferences forms are due by Friday.
  2. Put phone away. Your choices are to hang it in the charging pocket holder or in your bag. Phones should not be out or visible during class.
  3. DFA on SchoolNet. 
    • Code: WY8VY6DE
  4. After finishing the DFA #1, work on your BlackOut Poem.  Directions are posted in Classroom w/examples. 
  5. Before the end of class, we will read for 10 minutes.  
    • I have some new novels available to check out.  See me if you are interested. 
  6. Bioethics Position Outline is due today by 3:45pm


  1. Quill #2 is due Feb. 53:45pm
  2. CommonLit "No Man is an Island" due February 6 3:45pm
  3. Bioethics Position Outline is due February 5 @ 3:45pm
  4. Blackout Poem due tomorrow

Reminders & Updates

  1. Check and clean email daily
  2. Organize your agenda and to-do list daily
  3. Make sure your Remind notifications work
  4. IXL

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