21 January 2020

21 January 2020

English II: Honors


  1. Put phone away. Your choices are to hang it in the charging pocket holder or in your bag. Phones should not be out or visible during class.
  2. Turn in your HeLa and MSK novel to the front of the classroom. Make sure to sign in the book on the paper.
  3. We will read for 10 minutes.  After the timer goes off, please mark in your Reading Chart how many pages you read.
  4. After reading, go to your writing section. Complete the Sentence Combining activity. 5 minutes.
  5. Then, work on IXL recommended areas for improvement or finishing your diagnostic for 15 minutes. 
  6. Register for Turn It In.
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  7. After randomly creating groups of 3, students will work together to read and analyze a fairy tale. Remember to use RACES formatting. 
  8. 1 person will submit the assignment to Turn It In.  Make edits and submit for grading.
  9. On Classroom, once the paragraph has been submitted for grading, each person needs to Mark as Done and put in the comment which group member submitted the file. 
  10. The paragraph is due before you leave class today. 
  11. If your group finishes early, you will work on:
    • CommonLit
    • IXL
    • Quill
    • Reading your IRP novel


  1. Sign up for Academic Hour
  2. Stems Quiz on List #31 Tuesday, January 28. Must memorize and spell correctly all items in the () on the sheet or use the Quizlet app.
  3. IXL  (Use your Clever/NCEdCloud log in to access) Diagnostic Ratings complete by Jan. 24
  4. Quill (Begin working on the 3 diagnostics)- each due date is posted in Quill. 
    • #3 January 21
  5. CommonLit reading due Thursday, January 23 @ 3:45pm

Reminders & Updates

  1. Sign up for Academic Hour
  2. Check and clean email daily
  3. Organize your agenda and to-do list daily
  4. Make sure your Remind notifications work
  5. Flex Friday January 17
  6. No School January 20
  7. Snow Ball January 24

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