27 January 2020
English II: Honors
- Put phone away. Your choices are to hang it in the charging pocket holder or in your bag. Phones should not be out or visible during class.
- Turn in your HeLa and MSK novel to the front of the classroom. Make sure to sign in the book on the paper.
- We will read for 10 minutes. After the timer goes off, please mark in your Reading Chart how many pages you read.
- I have some new novels available to check out. See me if you are interested.
- After reading, go to your writing section. Photo writing prompt topic: 10 minutes.
- Then, work on Vocabulary.com for 5 minutes.
- We will share our PowerLines together and revise any that are not correct.
- Using your Question sticky note, what questions do you have?
- Using your Character Detail sticky note, what do you notice about the main characters?
- After discussing and filling in the Plot diagram, we will read part of Chapter 3 together.
- While reading Night, you will analyze the text using Sticky Notes. You must have 5 sticky notes per chapter- make sure you put the Page #s on the sticky notes. These sticky notes will be:
- Power Line (which will go into the Google Presentation to share)
- Question you have
- Character Detail (significant information and/or change)
- Symbol w/meaning (cannot be the same as your Power Line)
- Setting (Time & Place- always important to a text)
- Periodically, I will have a reading check and you will give me one of your sticky notes for a quick grade.
- Chapter 3 (pg. 29-46) of Night w/5 Sticky Notes- Add Power Lines to Google Slides Presentation
- Stems Quiz on List #31 Tuesday, January 28. Must memorize and spell correctly all items in the ( ... ) on the sheet or use the Quizlet app.
- Actively Learn "Harrison Bergeron" reading due January 30 @ 3:45pm
Reminders & Updates
- Check and clean email daily
- Organize your agenda and to-do list daily
- Make sure your Remind notifications work
- Snow Ball January 24
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