30 January 2019

31 January 2019

English II

Do Now:

  1. UPDATE: Since I am out today, your Stems Quiz and Notebook check will be Monday. Your DFA is Tuesday. I'm hoping my son will feel better today.
  2. Pick up your "HB" paragraphs from the table.  If you have to rewrite, it is due either tomorrow or Monday.  
  3. Everyone had lunch at 12-12:30 with second period.
  4. Follow the directions for your Debate #2 (U9)
    • Person A is time keeper. After you have your debate, write a quick summary of your discussion.  
    • 2 min prep, 2 minutes each person discussion (4 mins), 2 min summary right.
    • No more than 10 minutes to complete your warm up.
  5. Read the following directions before beginning work.


    1. FOLLOW THESE IN ORDER. If you fail to finish the work because you did not follow directions, do not email me asking for extra time or extra credit because you did not read the instructions as expected.
    2. After the warm up, complete the Common Lit assignment,"WHY I LOVE A COUNTRY THAT ONCE BETRAYED ME." Remember to answer the short answer questions using RACES for full credit.  Sign in with your Google Account just like yesterday.  If you do not finish or submit the speech, you will not get graded/credit.
    3. Get some headphones.  Log in to EdPuzzle.  Complete the lesson on the propaganda film from WWII.
    4. Next, return to Common Lit and read the poem "First They Came."  Use RACES to answer the short response. 
    5. Lastly, send me an email using appropriate etiquette (no credit if you do not follow email etiquette that I taught you last year).  In the email, summarize what you learned about WWII, Holocaust, Elie Wiesel, Dante's Inferno, and satire from the past several days.  Keep it short and simple. Include images if you want. If you were absent one day, please include which day and what items you missed and need for me to reopen for you.  This will help me when I'm grading all of your work.  This email is due by 9am tomorrow. 
    6. Thank you for doing your job and being good students these past few days.  It helps me feel less stressed when you are doing what you need to do.  Thank you.
    7. 4th pd make sure to put Chromebooks away at 3:40.  Do not dismiss until 3:45pm.


    • Stems Quiz Monday 
    • Notebook Check is Monday and is TIMED: 25 minutes.
    • DFA is Tuesday


    29 January 2019

    30 January 2019

    English II

    Do Now:

    1. UPDATE: Since I am out today, your Stems Quiz and Notebook check will be Thursday. Your DFA is Monday. 
    2. Complete the Tone: Tan (E3)- 10 minutes
      • Only write the answers and the Apply section
    3. Check your answers to the Text Fail #2 warm up from yesterday
    4. Read the following directions before beginning work.


      2. After the warm up, complete the Common Lit assignment, "No Man is an Island."  Remember to answer the short answer questions using RACES for full credit.  Sign in with your Google Account just like yesterday. You can see the feedback from yesterday's assignment as well. If you do not finish or submit the poem, you will not get graded/credit.
      3. Get some headphones.  Log in to EdPuzzle.  Complete the mini-lesson on Satire.
      4. Next, log in to Actively Learn.  Complete the essay assigned "I Want a Wife."
      5. When finished with "I Want a Wife," complete the other assignment on Actively Learn: A Modest Proposal. 
      6. After finishing A Modest Proposal reading w/questions on Actively Learn, again log in to EdPuzzle.  Watch the video adaptation of A Modest Proposal.  The video is last and only if you have time.  This is an extension activity and not required.  
      7. For the last 15 minutes of class you will read your novel. Everyone reads for the full 15 minutes. 4th pd, put up your Chromebooks before reading the last 15 minutes of class (SSR)


      • Stems Quiz Thursday 
      • Notebook Check is Thursday and is TIMED: 25 minutes.
      • DFA is Monday


      28 January 2019

      29 January 2019

      English II

      Do Now:

      1. UPDATE: Since I am out today, your Stems Quiz and Notebook check will be Thursday. Your DFA is Wednesday. 
      2. Turn in your Theme Analysis handout you finished for homework. (W7)
      3. Complete the TextFail #2 Warm Up (U8)- 10 minutes
        • Only write the corrections. 16 total errors/corrections
        • Answer Key (I will add the answer key after class)


        1. After the warm up, complete the Common Lit assignment.  Remember to answer the discussion questions using RACES for full credit.  Sign in with your Google Account.
        2. Get some headphones.  Complete the TED Ed video assignment.  Take notes on the video in your notebook (L10).
          • You must register first and then log in. Make sure to use your school Google account.
          • If it is blocked, I added the EdPuzzle link. 
          • Remember to take notes. 
        3. Lastly, begin the EdPuzzle about Elie Wiesel's interview with Oprah. This will provide background for our next novel, Night.
        4. When you finish, read your IRP novel.  Your essay is due SOON.


        • Stems Quiz Thursday 
        • Notebook Check is Thursday and is TIMED: 25 minutes.
        • DFA is Wednesday and SSR


        27 January 2019

        28 January 2019

        English II

        Do Now:

        1. Turn in your "Harrison Bergeron" Rewrite #3 (W4)
        2.  Complete 15 minutes of Read Theory practice


          1. Study Stems with a partner for 10 minutes
            • Stems Quiz tomorrow
            • Notebook Quiz tomorrow (timed)
          2. Complete the EdPuzzle on Dante's Inferno
            • You need headphones
          3. When finished, read and annotate your assigned Grimm's Brother Fairy Tale (L9)
          4. Pick up a Theme Analysis handout. Complete for homework. (W7)


          • Make sure you are ready for both quizzes tomorrow
          • DFA is Wednesday and SSR
          • Theme Analysis handout
          • Review Stems List #31
          • Actively Learn #3 due Thursday


          23 January 2019

          23 January 2019

          English II

          Do Now:

          1. Turn in your "Harrison Bergeron" Rewrite #2 (W4)
          2. Complete the Word Choice Warm Up #2 (U6)


            1. After completing the warm up, you have 30 minutes to work with your group to complete the Literary Analysis presentation and get ready to present. 
              • 5 minutes per group. No more.
            2. Present 


            • SSR- Read silently. Read anything, just read.


            22 January 2019

            22 January 2019

            English II

            Do Now:

            1. Pick up "Harrison Bergeron" Paragraph (Some will have to rewrite this again)
            2. Pick up Character Analysis Sticky Note (W6)
            3. Complete Bellringer on screen: Sentence Combining (U5)


              1. After completing the Bellringer, discuss your short story with your small.  Review what happened and your analysis.
              2. Complete the Character Analysis Sticky Note with your group
              3. After the Sticky Note Analysis, turn in 1 copy to be graded. This goes in your SIN (W6).
              4. As a group, you will then complete the Short Story Mini Project presentation
                • Pick a leader.  Send the leader to Ms. Payseur.
                • I will share the presentation with the leader.  You will be responsible for submitting the presentation to the Google Assignment.
                • You will present tomorrow in class.


              • Share with your group:
                • What did not get finished, what is the plan to finish before tomorrow's presentation.
              • Rewrite your "Harrison Bergeron" paragraph if required
              • Finish the 3 paragraphs discussing the differences and similarities of "Harrison Bergeron" to 2081
              • Review Stems List #31
              • Actively Learn #2 due Thursday


              16 January 2019

              16 January 2019

              English II

              Do Now:

              1. Elements of Good Writing: Tone: Plath  (E2)
                • Only write the responses to the questions.


                1. Pick up paragraph from front table in the wire basket (W4)
                2. View my notes.  You will pick a new theme from the list provided and rewrite your paragraph using the template (Rewrite the template on the back of your current paragraph or a new sheet of paper)  (W4)
                3. Watch 2081
                4. While watching, track at least 3 differences and similarities on your table using an expo maker. 
                5. Use your Chromebook or phone to take a photo of your notes and upload to Classroom.
                6. With your small group (in 30 seconds find 3 people), hand-write 3 paragraphs following these directions. (W5)


                • Choose a theme from the list provided.  Rewrite your paragraph using the paragraph template.
                  • Things to Remember:
                    • Mention the text "Harrison Bergeron"
                    • Use 3rd person pronouns- NEVER FIRST PERSON
                    • No contractions
                    • Use present tense verbs for literary analysis
                • SSR- Read a book, any book for 15 minutes.
                • Rewrite your paragraph #1 using the template.
                • Finish the 3 paragraphs discussing the differences and similarities of "Harrison Bergeron" to 2081
                • Review Stems
                • Actively Learn due tomorrow


                15 January 2019

                15 January 2019

                English II

                Do Now:

                1. Text Fail Warm Up- Write the corrections ONLY in Warm Up Section (U3)


                  1. Turn in paragraph to front table wire basket (W4)
                  2. Open notes- we will finish notes from yesterday on ICE (L6)
                  3. After finishing notes, you will work with your groups to finish your "HB" Poster (25 minutes to finish)
                  4. We will finish discussing "Harrison Bergeron" annotation as a class


                  • Answer the question, did I understand the theme of "Harrison Bergeron"?


                  14 January 2019

                  14 January 2019

                  English II

                  Do Now:

                  1. Log in to Read Theory
                    • Students navigate to ReadTheory.org in their internet browser on any device (computer, tablet, mobile).
                    • Students sign up.
                    • Students log in.
                    • Students go to the the "My Teachers" page.
                    • Students enter teacher email address ( sapayseur@gaston.k12.nc.us ) in the space provided.
                    • Students click the "Send Invitation" button.
                    • After sending invitation, work on Read Theory for 15 minute time limit
                  • If you are absent, you must make up this time with me.  Email me to arrange.


                    1. Pick up paragraph handout (W3)
                    2. Paragraph Writing and ICE Notes (L6) -these will not be finished today.  We will finish these notes tomorrow. 
                    3. In small groups, discuss your assigned chunk of "Harrison Bergeron"
                    4. Assign a leader.  Each leader will share with the class what your group discussed: Summary (Left side), Analysis (Right Side), Circle (words), Underline (important elements/quotes), Highlight (figurative language).
                    5. Also, decide the theme of this story. What do the characters teach us about human nature?  You will share this as you leave class today.
                    6. I will annotate my copy with you (L5). (Link here)


                    • What insight into human nature does "Harrison Bergeron" teach us? 
                      • The leader will write your group's theme on the large sticky note on the board.
                    • Write 1 paragraph answering: What do the character(s) in "Harrison Bergeron" teach about human nature?  Provide 2 examples to prove your statement. (W4) due tomorrow
                    • Prep Factory pre-tests due Tuesday
                    • Actively Learn due Thursday


                    11 January 2019

                    11 January 2019

                    English II

                    Do Now:

                    1. Create a chart (Word|Definition|Example) for notes, Literary Elements (L4)


                      1. Literary Elements Notes
                      2. 30 minutes small groups to complete Poster
                      3. Begin reading and annotating "Harrison Bergeron"


                      • Review stages of annotation


                      10 January 2019

                      10 January 2019

                      English II

                      Do Now:

                      1. Video Journal Warm Up (U#3)
                        • Write down the question and log in to School Net- We will watch the video and write once everyone is settled.


                      1. School Net Diagnostic
                      2. Stems List
                        • Quiz #1: Tuesday January 29.
                      3. Use the expo markers on the desk to write/take notes while taking your diagnostic
                      4. After you complete the diagnostic, work on assignments that are due or read.


                      • Work on assignments
                      • Read
                      • Actively Learn
                      • Prep Factory pre-tests
                      • Read Theory pre-test


                      09 January 2019

                      9 January 2019

                      English II

                      Do Now:

                      1. Check out IRP novels
                      2. If you didn't do it yesterday: Turn in MSK or HeLa & turn in contract
                      3. Word Choice Warm Up (U1)


                      1. Annotating Notes (L2)
                      2. Theme Notes (L3)
                      3. Check out WOW cards and information posted on Classroom


                      • SSR -Begin reading IRP
                      • Contract
                      • Novel
                      • IRP Form Choice


                      08 January 2019

                      8 January 2018

                      English II

                      Do Now:

                      1. New Seats
                      2. Turn in MSK or HeLa
                      3. Turn in contract
                      4. Get out syllabus


                      1. Class and Syllabus Presentation
                      2. Deeper Reading Presentation


                      • Keep email clean
                      • Only check COMPLETE or TURN IN assignments that you finish/turn in
                      • Email is the best for of communication for me
                      • Contract
                      • Novel
                      • IRP Form Choice
