19 November 2019

19 November 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. 2nd pd: Mrs. Wilkinson in today.
    • You will have time to work on your Fairy Tale paragraphs (rewrite #1 due tomorrow)
  2. 3rd pd: Hoaxes and Fakes
  3. Complete this quiz to test your literacy
  4. Submit handout by the end of class
  5. If you have time, listen to THIS PODCAST and read THIS ARTICLE
  6. :::Sites to help fact check stories and information:::
  7. Real or Fake: Check these sites. Are they real or fake?

Homework & Reminders

  1. Actively Learn
  2. Blog Post #4
  3. Quill Assignments (all 6 assignments will be combined into 1 grade)
  4. EdPuzzle
  5. Code Academy (test grade)
  6. Selfie Project (test grade)

  • RememberUpdate your agenda daily.  I have met with several of you to work on this skill. You should be checking your Google Calendar and each teachers' board in class for other assignments.  When you write your work down, you do not have to rely on memory. Pen and paper can be more reliable than memory. 
  • Email: Keep checking and cleaning your email.  It is an important communication tool at GECHS, College, and in many businesses. 

18 November 2019

18 November 2019

Intro to Publications


  1.  Mental Health Awareness Activity (3rd pd)
  2. Flocabulary
  3. SSR- Find a book and READ
  4. SAT Vocab Review Week #4 (Quiz next Tuesday)
  5. Agenda Review- Open your Google Calendar and Google Classroom and add all details to your calendar. 
    • Side Note: For some reason, some assignments from Classroom are not showing in Calendar.  Please compare Google Calendar with Google Classroom and double check that you have a Quill assignment due this Thursday. If you are assigned 2 for this week, then that is an error. Please email me to fix it. 
  6. Challenging Confirmation Bias lesson
    • Handout
    • Quiz (Posted in Classroom- 3 question lesson check)

Homework & Reminders

  1. Finish lesson from today and submit. Do not complete the last section- only the notes/resources review section.
  2. Actively Learn
  3. Blog Post #4
  4. Quill Assignments (all 6 assignments will be combined into 1 grade)
  5. EdPuzzle
  6. Code Academy (test grade)
  7. Selfie Project (test grade)

  • Remember: Update your agenda daily.  I have met with several of you to work on this skill. You should be checking your Google Calendar and each teachers' board in class for other assignments.  When you write your work down, you do not have to rely on memory. Pen and paper can be more reliable than memory. 
  • Email: Keep checking and cleaning your email.  It is an important communication tool at GECHS, College, and in many businesses. 

13 November 2019

13 November 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. NPR Podcast
  2. After listening to the Podcast, write in your journal: Do you think there should be or will be rules about space? If so, what are they? Who is in charge of space? Should the satellites be regulated? How?
  3. 2nd: Mrs. Wilkinson in class today. Have your  name tag out and ready.
  4. 3rd: RACES Lesson using Fairy Tales

Homework & Reminders

  1. Actively Learn
  2. Blog Post #4
  3. Quill Assignments
  4. EdPuzzle
  5. Code Academy
  6. Selfie Project
  7. Remember: Update your agenda daily.  I have met with several of you to work on this skill. You should be checking your Google Calendar and each teachers' board in class for other assignments.  When you write your work down, you do not have to rely on memory. Pen and paper can be more reliable than memory. 
  8. Email: Keep checking and cleaning your email.  It is an important communication tool at GECHS, College, and in many businesses. 

12 November 2019

12 November 2019

Intro to Publications


  1. SAT Vocabulary Quiz Week #3 Today
  2. After your vocabulary quiz, you may work quietly, read, or color until everyone is finished. Absolutely no vocabulary is out while others are taking their quiz.
  3. Watching Zombie Videos from Project. We are proud to share our work with each other.
  4. Actively Learn article is due Thursday.
  5. Quill Assignments have been posted to students based on individual needs. Check Classroom for your assignments.
  6. Blog Post #4 has been assigned.  Review the assignment sheet and use DocHub to complete the annotation for the article.  I want you to have practice using digital tools to annotate just like you will use for your NC Final Exams and other online tests. 
  7. EdPuzzle: How to be Self Aware due Nov. 22.
  8. Remember: Update your agenda daily.  I have met with several of you to work on this skill. You should be checking your Google Calendar and each teachers' board in class for other assignments.  When you write your work down, you do not have to rely on memory. Pen and paper can be more reliable than memory. 
  9. Email: Keep checking and cleaning your email.  It is an important communication tool at GECHS, College, and in many businesses. 

Homework & Reminders

  1. Actively Learn
  2. Blog Post #4
  3. Quill Assignments
  4. EdPuzzle
  5. Code Academy
  6. Selfie Project