31 October 2016

1 November 2016

  1. Grammar Loop 4 Sentence #5 
    • HW Sentence #6: Bent over his writing table, Ovid remembered the Muse's pale countenance. 
  2. Share PSAs
  3. Introduce Tutorial Video assignment for end of the semester
  4. Essential 55 w/Mrs. Wilkinson
    • Update goals on orange sheets
      • Are our strategies working?
      • Do we need to update or change our strategies?
    • GPA Calculation
    • Academic probation policy
    • Stress relievers
      • At home
      • At school
  5. Field Trip Friday

31 October 2016

  1. Flocabulary Week In Review
  2. Agenda Review -Organize our calendars
  3. PSA Finalizing and Editing
    • Due by midnight
    • Post in Classroom CORRECTLY
    • PS: (everyone in group must post & put member names in private comment)
    • ALSO: Add to the Google Doc to SHARE to the public.
      • Make sure all copyright & creative commons laws have been practiced
      • MLA
      • 90 Seconds not including credits
      • title & list all members in video
  4. ReadTheory 20 Quizzes due today
  5. Add photos to shared album (join today!)
    • Use Google Photos to easily add/share photos
    • When signed in to your school Google Account, you can access your Google Photos and photo albums 
  6. Friday, we will visit Discovery Place. 
    • If you ordered a bag lunch, I have emailed you.
    • Wear a GECHS shirt and comfortable shoes.
    • We will return in time to ride the buses home.
    • You may bring money to visit the gift shop.
I can collaborate to create a PSA for digital citizenship.

27 October 2016

27 October 2016

  1. Grammar Loop 4 Sentence
    • HW Sentence: If you survive when the Bosons attack, send up a laser flare.
  2. Test Corrections due by 3:45pm today
  3. Service Learning Tomorrow -Wear ID & shirts. You can change when we return for the pep rally.
  4. As of now, your PSA will be due by midnight Monday
    • Add finished link to Doc.
  5. After recording video, upload to Drive.  Use WeVideo to edit
  6. Group Work today
  7. Read Theory +20 quizzes complete Monday

26 October 2016

26 October 2016

  1. Loop 4 Grammar Sentence #3
    • Homework Sentence: Did Giotta rescue Aria from the hexaped sectoids?
  2. Finish Storyboard w/group members
  3. Use class time to begin recording PSA
  4. Plan goals for class time tomorrow
  5. Grammar Test Loop 3 Corrections due tomorrow

25 October 2016

25 October 2016

  1. Grammar Sentence #2
    • HW sentence: The androsaur escaped, but Talbot was swept into the magnetic sea.
  2. StoryBoard Template
    • Begin completing your storyboard for your PSA
  3. Mrs. Wilkinson's Essential 55 lesson
  4. Grammar test corrections due Thursday
Typical Tuesday -Junior Jessica K.

24 October 2016

PSA 3rd pd notes

2nd period PSA notes

24 October 2016

  1. Grammar Sentence Loop 4
  2. Flocabulary
  3. Agenda Review
  4. PSA Introduce
  5. Small group brainstorming 
    • use post it notes for individual ideas -assign 1 of 4 topics to each person
    • # each person w/color stars
  6. Find 1 person with the same color star
    • Together, organize into groups and label w/post it note
  7. Move to larger group -2 table
  8. Post larger groups to big Post It notes
  9. Speaker share discussion- everyone else take notes on the information
  10. Story Boards tomorrow