28 February 2018

28 February 2018

English II AP-Prep:

Do Now:

  1. Answer the Question in Classroom- Share your power line


  1. Fill in Chapter 1 Plot Diagram (L6)
  2. Review QQVS (Sticky notes and QQVS can overlap some)
    • With a partner, what is 1 question you have, which quote did you choose, which vocabulary word intrigued you, what symbol did you find?
    • Share discussions to whole group
    • Identify 1 page you feel is the most significant/important/impacting page of the chapter. Mark with a starred sticky note.
  3. Read and annotate Chapter 2 of Night
    • EACH Chapter requirements: a min. 4 sticky notes identifying any elements described on your handout and 1 POWER LINE (This is a sentence or couple of sentences that contain figurative language (simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, alliteration, etc. but not a symbol) TOTAL: 5 sticky notes per chapter
    • Identify the POWER LINE on the post it note so you can find it when you are asked to share
  4. MAP For Night
  5. Boxcar facts

      •Width: 7.2 feet (2.2 meters)
      Source for Hungarian railway car dimensions: Randolph L. Braham, The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary, Volume 1 (New York: The Rosenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, 1994), p. 686.
  6. 42 Maps that Explain WWII
  7. Chapter 2 


  1. Complete Chapter 2 of Night and complete your 5 sticky notes & QQVS



English IV:

Do Now:

  1. Share Theme Chart


  1. TED Talk Video on Shakespearean Insults


  1. Suggest using Course Hero
  2. ACT III


  • Quill Practice due Thursday @ 10:30 am
  • Actively Learn Thursday due @ 10:30 am "How Does Donald Trump Get Americans to Believe Him"

27 February 2018

27 February 2018

English II AP-Prep:

Do Now:

  1. Find a partner and Discuss your HW: Tired Words (G1) & Night Annotation/Close Reading Practice (L6) 10 minutes


  1. Whole group discussion of "Never Again" & Tired Words
    • 3rd Notes
    • 4th Notes
  2. Flocabulary
  3. How to annotate using Sticky Notes Discussion (Handout will go in L7)
  4. Read and annotate Chapter 1 of Night
    • EACH Chapter requirements: a min. 4 sticky notes identifying any elements described on your handout and 1 POWER LINE (This is a sentence or couple of sentences that contain figurative language (simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, alliteration, etc. but not a symbol) TOTAL: 5 sticky notes per chapter
    • Identify the POWER LINE on the post it note so you can find it when you are asked to share
  5. QQVS for each chapter (Sticky notes and QQVS can overlap some)
  6. MAP For Night


  1. Finish reading Chapter 1 of Night and complete your 5 sticky notes & QQVS



English IV:

Do Now:

  1. Quiz Act I & Act II for MacBeth Kahoot


  1. MSL Practice: Satire
  2. Read Theory Practice reading stamina (15 minutes uninterrupted)
  3. MacBeth Beginning of Act III Video ends


  1. Begin filling in examples from Act I & Act II for Theme Chart
  2. Suggest using Course Hero


  • Quill Practice due Thursday @ 10:30 am
  • Actively Learn Thursday due @ 10:30 am "How Does Donald Trump Get Americans to Believe Him"

26 February 2018

26 February 2018

English II AP-Prep:

Do Now:

  1. Turn in 2081 comparison Paragraphs -3 paragraphs comparing/contrasting Movie to Text (W5)
  2. Get vocabulary quiz stuff ready
  3. Pick up Tired Words (G1)


  1. Vocabulary #5 
  2. ListenWise Activity for Elie Wiesel
  3. Read Theory Practice (15 minutes)
  4. Flocabulary


  1. Night Annotation/Close Reading Practice (L6)
  2. Complete Tired Words Chart (G1)



English IV:

Do Now:

  1. Quiz Act I for MacBeth


  1. Watch MacBeth up to part of Act II
  2. Begin reading Act II


  1. Finish Reading Act II


  • Quill Practice due Thursday @ 10:30 am
  • Actively Learn Thursday due @ 10:30 am "How Does Donald Trump Get Americans to Believe Him"

22 February 2018

22 February 2018

English II AP-Prep:

Warm Up:

  1. Vocabulary #5 Quiz moved to Monday
  2. Turn in "Danger" Charts (W4)


  1. Share Posters to class
    • Share an example from "Harrison Bergeron" that showcases this topic.  Explain to the class what message exists in the text about your topic. 
  2. Handicap Activity (J1)
    • Complete reflection on your own.
  3. Pick up paragraph assignment.  Remain in your small groups.
  4. Begin working on 3 paragraphs for comparing movie to text


  1. Review your Venn Diagram (W5) for Movie/Text comparison
  2. HW: 3 paragraphs comparing/contrasting Movie to Text (W5)



English IV:

  1. LAB TIME 
    • Finish Act 1
    • "Why I Want a Wife" due Thursday


  • Quill Practice due Thursday @ 10:30 am
  • Actively Learn Thursday due @ 10:30 am "Why I Want a Wife"

21 February 2018

21 February 2018

English II AP-Prep:

Warm Up:

  1. Pick up Danger paragraphs 
  2. Vocabulary #5 Review
  3. VOICE Lesson -Plath


  1. In small groups, read Danger paragraphs out loud.
  2. Discuss any revisions to your paragraphs or questions you have about your work
  3. Break down paragraphs using Paragraph Template
  4. "Harrison Bergeron" Review Questions
  5. 2081 -Watch movie and list similarities/differences (YouTube version above with captions in another language)


  1. Complete Venn Diagram for Movie/Text comparison
  2. HW: Rewrite 2 danger paragraphs into CHARTS



English IV:

Warm Up:

  1. Agenda/Calendar Review


  1. MacBeth Intro & Notes
  2. MacBeth - Read Act 1
  3. HW
    • Finish Act 1
    • "Why I Want a Wife" due Thursday


  • Quill Practice due Thursday @ 10:30 am
  • Actively Learn Thursday due @ 10:30 am "Why I Want a Wife"

20 February 2018

20 February 2018

English II AP-Prep:

Warm Up:

  1. Turn in your Danger paragraphs
  2. Pick up article HW
  3. Vocabulary #5 Review


  1. Review Calendar/Agenda & Upcoming assignments
  2. Anticipation Discussion
  3. Group Poster Project


  1. Share Posters to Class (Hang up on line)
  2. HW: Read and annotate "Harrison Bergeron"
    • Use 5 strategies: 
      • Number
      • Chunk
      • Underline/Highlight/Circle
      • Left Summarize
      • Right Analyze



English IV:

Warm Up:

  1. Agenda/Calendar Review


  1. "Porphyria's Lover" MSL Practice & Review
  2. Rhetoric Notes & Review Ethos, Pathos, Logos
  3. Bring textbook tomorrow: MacBeth
  4. HW: "Why I Want a Wife" due Thursday


  • Quill Practice due Thursday @ 10:30 am
  • Actively Learn Thursday due @ 10:30 am "Why I Want a Wife"

19 February 2018

19 February 2018

English II AP-Prep:

Warm Up:

  1. Turn in your annotated article
  2. Flocabulary
  3. Read Theory Practice: 15 mins


  1. Vocabulary #5 Review
  2. Literary Terms Review Notes -Make Foldable (N3)
    • 2 sheets of color paper long ways with 8 slips
    • Each slip Word on front
    • Definition inside
    • Example on fold
  3. Self-check "LRRH" Critical Lens using KEY
  4. Assign HW- What lesson about danger does this text teach?


  1. Begin working on HW paragraphs (W4)
    • Do NOT:
      • Deliberately state your Critical Lens/Literary Theory
      • Use personal pronouns or contractions
      • Use any verb tense but present
      • Forget your topic sentence and transition words
      • Forget to EXPLAIN your quotes
      • Forget to BLEND your quotes
  2. Answer grade reflection for notebook check #1
  3. HW
    • Write a response to: What does "LRRH" teach about danger?  Answer in 2 paragraphs, using at least 1 blended quote per paragraph.  Must follow the PARAGRAPH FORMAT from your charts. Due in class tomorrow- Student Samples



English IV:

Warm Up:

  1. Turn in Paradise Lost Questions from textbook
  2. Flocabulary
  3. Read Theory Practice: 20 mins


  1. Review Sonnets 18 & 130 from Actively Learn
  2. Literary Terms Review Notes -Make Foldable
  3. Rhetoric Notes
  4. HW: "Why I Want a Wife" due Thursday


  • Quill Thursday
  • Actively Learn Thursday due 10:30 am Sonnet 18 & 130

15 February 2018

15 February 2018

English II:

Warm Up:

  1. Turn in your Notebook w/the bookmark


  1. Vocabulary Quiz #4
  2. After quiz: Work on your IRP, Actively Learn, Quill, or Shakespeare


  1. HW: Annotate article -Due Monday.


  • Quill Proof #1 due Tuesday 3:45 pm
  • "Still I Rise" poem Actively Learn due Friday 3:45pm
  • Shakespeare in the Park work
  • IRP Work

English IV:


  1. Sonnets in Actively Learn
  2. HW: Read Paradise Lost- complete questions 1-7 due Monday


  • Quill Thursday
  • Actively Learn Thursday due 10:30 am Sonnet 18 & 130

14 February 2018

14 February 2018

English II:

Warm Up:

  1. Review Vocabulary Week #4
  2. VOICE Tone: Luce (V3)


  1. Pick up revised paragraph from back table
  2. Pick up LRRH packet from table
  3. Turn in "Spaces Between The Stars" paragraph to green book on front table
  4. Add "Introducing Quotes" file to Google Drive
  5. Analyze and discuss "Little Red Riding Hood" using assigned Critical Literary Lens with partner
  6. As a class, review and check elements of "LRRH"


  1. What does LRRH teach about danger? -answer this question for homework
  2. Finish analysis of LRRH for your Lens
  3. Check your NOTEBOOKS


  • Vocabulary Quiz #4 Thursday
  • Quill Proof #1 due Tuesday 3:45 pm
  • "Still I Rise" poem Actively Learn due Friday 3:45pm
  • SIN Table of Contents  (Notebook check Thursday- Test grade)

English IV:

Warm Up:

  1. Review TPCASTT


  1. Individually Use TPCASTT to analyze "The Bait" from homework
  2. Review elements as a group
  3. Individually analyze "The Flea" using TPCASTT


  1. HW: Read Paradise Lost- complete questions 1-7 due Monday


  • Quill Thursday
  • Actively Learn Thursday due 10:30 am Sonnet 18 & 130

13 February 2018

13 February 2018

Daily Dose of EOC:
Read this quote from Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare

"If I see anything tonight why I should not marry her, in the congregation, where I intended to wed her, there will I shame her."

What literary term is seen in the quote below by Claudio?

A.  ambiguity
B.  foreshadowing
C.  flashback
D.  hyperbole

English II:

Warm Up:

  1. Review Vocabulary Week #4


  1. Return to your small groups
  2. Review the comments on your paragraphs
  3. Revise/Rewrite your paragraphs and submit to me
  4. When everyone is finished, move on to reviewing your homework.
  5. Small group discussion of "Spaces Between the Stars" (L3)
    • Summarize the story (Make sure everyone understands the PLOT)
    • Share your THEMES (Focus on Identity or Culture)
    • Pick 1 Theme
  6. As a group, write a thesis that answers: How does the author use the character, Barry, to develop a theme?
  7. Find 2 textual examples that support your thesis & theme.
  8. Working together, complete this template on your own paper. (W3)
  9. Individually, rewrite into a full and complete paragraph on a separate sheet of paper


  1. Submit Revised "Saturday Climbing" paragraph (Individual) (W2)
  2. HW: Write paragraph answering: How does the author use the character to develop the theme? 


  • Vocabulary Quiz #4 Thursday
  • Quill due Tuesday 3:45 pm
  • "Still I Rise" poem Actively Learn due Friday 3:45pm
  • SIN Table of Contents  (Notebook check Thursday- Test grade)

English IV:

Warm Up:

  1. Review Sonnet forms


  1. Individually Use TPCASTT to analyze "The Passionate Shepherd to his Love" pg 250
  2. Review elements as a group
  3. Individually analyze "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" pg 251 using TPCASTT


  1. Complete MSL Practice and review answers
  2. HW: Read Donne's "Bait"


  • Quill Thursday
  • Actively Learn Thursday due 10:30 am Sonnet 18 & 130

12 February 2018

12 February 2018

English II:

Warm Up:


  1. Small group discussion of "Saturday Climbing"
    • Summarize the story (Make sure everyone understands the PLOT)
    • Share your THEMES
    • Pick 1 Theme
  2. As a group, write a thesis that answers: How does the author use the character, Barry, to develop a theme?
  3. Find 2 textual examples that support your thesis & theme.
  4. Working together, complete this template.
    • Add this format to your Drive
  5. Individually, rewrite into a full and complete paragraph on a separate sheet of paper


  1. Submit "Saturday Climbing" paragraph (Individual)
  2. HW: Annotate "Spaces Between Stars"
    • # paragraphs
    • Chunk the text
    • As you read, Left Side: What does the author SAY?
    • Highlight, Underline, Circle: Key Terms, Repeating Images, Interesting Phrases
    • Theme- Write at the TOP 
    • Right Side: What does it MEAN? What is the author DOING? QUESTIONS?


  • Vocabulary Quiz #4 Thursday
  • Quill due Tuesday 3:45 pm
  • "Still I Rise" poem Actively Learn due Friday 3:45pm
  • SIN Table of Contents  (Notebook check Thursday- Test grade)

English IV:

Warm Up:



  1. Review Sonnets from textbook (Look for the answers in the last 2 lines- couplet)


  • Quill Thursday
  • Actively Learn Thursday due 10:30 am Sonnet 18 & 130

08 February 2018

8 February 2018

English II:

Warm Up:

  1. New Seats


  1. DFA #1


  1. Review Results of DFA

07 February 2018

7 February 2018

English II:

Warm Up:

  1. Get out paragraph from HW
  2. Topic Sentences NearPod Activity


  1. Peer Review paragraphs
    • Check for Topic Sentence
    • Check for a clear theme
    • Check for present tense verbs
  2. Individually Annotate "Saturday Climbing"
    • Look for character & theme
    • Write your theme at the top of your paper
    • Right side focus on THEME and CHARACTER


  1. Turn in paragraph from "The Singing Silence"
  2.  HW: Finish annotating "Saturday Climbing" & Rewrite "Singing Silence" paragraph

I can:

I can use textual evidence to support my claim.
I can analyze an author's use of a character to develop a theme.
I can identify theme.
I can write a clear topic sentence.

English IV:

  1. District Formative Assessment (DFA) #1- School Net
  2. Review Responses
  3. Textbook Sonnets: pg 239-242 answer questions 1-6
  4. Tomorrow: 
    • Quill is due
    • 3 readings in Actively Learn
    • Turn in textbook questions to me

06 February 2018

6 February 2018

English II: 

Warm Up:

  1. Agenda Review
  2. Quill #3 due 3:45pm- Compound Sentences
  3. Turn in Progress Report


  1. Notes on Annotating and Close Reading- SIN N2
  2. "Singing Silence" Annotated and Close Reading w/Partner SIN L1
  3. Share to the class- Discuss the character and possible themes
  4. Share teacher example of paragraph (example in Close Reading Notes Presentation)


  1. HW: Write a paragraph (W1) answering: How does the author use the character, Vicente, to develop/illustrate the theme?


  • Quill- Compound due today 3:45pm 
  • Review Turn It In information
  • IRP #1 Work due March 2
  • School-Wide Field Trip Info & Permission Slips
  • Cuts for Kindness this Friday
  • Sign Up for Academic Hour
  • Actively Learn Speech-MLK due Friday 3:45pm
  • Bioethics Draft submitted to Turn It In 2/8/18 by 3:45pm
  • Counselor Appreciation Week
  • Shakespeare in the Park

English IV:

  1. Peer edit essays for content using the rubric as checklist. 
  2. 30 minutes work time on draft- last day for class time
  3. 15 minutes work on ReadTheory
  4. Quill due Thursday
  5. Submit Hero draft to Turn It In tomorrow- no more class time on essay
  6. Bring textbooks tomorrow
  7. Will look at satire.

05 February 2018

5 February 2018

English II:

Warm Up: 

  1. Read Theory- Complete 1 quiz in class today
  2. Flocabulary
  3. Vocabulary #4 List Review- Quiz postponed until next Thursday for benchmark testing this week


  1. Peer Editing using Rubric checklist
  2. Work on making changes to draft
  3. Draft submitted to TurnItIn Thursday, February 8


  1. Answer reflection question- What do you need to work on for your essay?


  • Quill- Compound due tomorrow 3:45pm 
  • Review Turn It In information
  • IRP #1 Work due March 2
  • School-Wide Field Trip Info
  • Cuts for Kindness this Friday
  • Sign Up for Academic Hour
  • Actively Learn Speech-MLK due Friday 3:45pm
  • Bioethics Draft submitted to Turn It In 2/8/18 by 3:45pm
  • Counselor Appreciation Week
  • Shakespeare in the Park

English IV:

  1. ReadTheory Work- Complete 1 quiz
  2. Quill due this week
  3. Work on Draft
  4. Submit to Turn It In

02 February 2018

2 February 2018

English IV:

  1. Draft your essays
English II:

  1. New Seats
  2. "My Papa's Waltz" due 3:45pm today
  3. Quill #3 due Tuesday 3:45pm
  4. Vocabulary Quiz #4- Postponed to Thursday February 15.
  5. Today-Work on Draft while I conference with students (same as yesterday)
    • Monday- Bring at least 1/2 of your essay (Intro & 3 Body paragraphs) in proper, academic formal language in MLA format with your works cited for peer editing
    • Printed
    • Draft will be submitted to Turn It In- Thursday February 8 by 3:45pm
      • Register for Turn It In- Directions posted in Google Classroom assignment
  6. Progress Reports Sent Home
    • Complete this sentence: "I earned this grade because...."
    • Signed by parent/guardian
    • Return to me Monday