06 February 2018

6 February 2018

English II: 

Warm Up:

  1. Agenda Review
  2. Quill #3 due 3:45pm- Compound Sentences
  3. Turn in Progress Report


  1. Notes on Annotating and Close Reading- SIN N2
  2. "Singing Silence" Annotated and Close Reading w/Partner SIN L1
  3. Share to the class- Discuss the character and possible themes
  4. Share teacher example of paragraph (example in Close Reading Notes Presentation)


  1. HW: Write a paragraph (W1) answering: How does the author use the character, Vicente, to develop/illustrate the theme?


  • Quill- Compound due today 3:45pm 
  • Review Turn It In information
  • IRP #1 Work due March 2
  • School-Wide Field Trip Info & Permission Slips
  • Cuts for Kindness this Friday
  • Sign Up for Academic Hour
  • Actively Learn Speech-MLK due Friday 3:45pm
  • Bioethics Draft submitted to Turn It In 2/8/18 by 3:45pm
  • Counselor Appreciation Week
  • Shakespeare in the Park

English IV:

  1. Peer edit essays for content using the rubric as checklist. 
  2. 30 minutes work time on draft- last day for class time
  3. 15 minutes work on ReadTheory
  4. Quill due Thursday
  5. Submit Hero draft to Turn It In tomorrow- no more class time on essay
  6. Bring textbooks tomorrow
  7. Will look at satire.

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