16 August 2019

16 August 2019

Flex Friday #1


  1. Students rotated through 3 different stations today.
    1. Growth Mindset Breakout Room
    2. Blogger Set Up tutorial
    3. Math II- IXL   Math I- Order of Operations and Organize Notebook
  2. During Academic Hour students worked on various assignments that are due soon.  These are shared to students through a school-wide link updated by teachers.
  3. During Focus, students learned about Mrs. Wilkinson, our guidance counselor, and participated in various team building activities.
  4. Club Rotations- Students visited all of our clubs to learn what options we have provided. They will choose their top 3 choices next Monday.
  5. If you were absent, you will need to create your Blog on your own.  The link is due Monday be the end of the school day.  See a video tutorial linked HERE

Homework & Reminders

  1. Study Stems using Quizlet Week #1
  2. Contract Due
  3. Fireman day is tomorrow
  4. Permission Slips due
  5. 1:1 & BYOD forms due
  6. Information Packet Due
Students can request to follow my classroom account on Instagram: @msspayseur

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