11 February 2019

11 February 2019

English II

Do Now:

  1. Pick up Fairy Tale paragraph. Rewrite due tomorrow.
  2. You may pick up a bookmark (colored or not colored) for you to enjoy.
  3. ReadTheory #3- 15 minutes
    • If you show no effort during these 15 minutes, you get no credit.  Proof of completion is required.
    • Have your QQVS chart (L11).  I will be checking Chapter 1 & 2.  
    • If it is not out, you will not get a score. Preparation is key.
  4. Quizlet Live for Stems #32


    1. Go to the PowerLine assignment posted in Classroom.  Follow the instructions on the slides.
    2. We will review Exposition and Event #1 in your Night Plot Diagram (L12)
    3. Remember, you are tracing one of these themes:  (Pick 1 to trace using your Sticky Notes)
      • Faith
      • Power
      • Love
      • Hate
    4. Remember: Every time we either read a chapter in class or you are assigned one for homework you will be expected to annotate. I am looking for at least 4 post it notes that contain/comment on one of the aforementioned ideas located on your Book Annotating handout.  You will use at least 1 sticky note to identify a quote that supports one of your chosen themes.  The full theme will not be visible to you until you finish reading.
      • Your 5th post it note will be a “power line”. 
        • What is a “power line”?
        • A “power line” is a sentence or a couple of sentences that contain figurative language (simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, understatement, hyperbole, alliteration, verbal irony, etc.).
      • These are called “power lines” because they make the writing more powerful.
      • This particular post it should be titled Power Line so that it is easier to find when you are asked to share.
      • Your “power line” is NOT a literary element (foreshadowing, dramatic irony, plot, setting, conflict, etc.)
    5. Discuss Chapter 2 with your table partner.  Use markers to write your discussion responses on your table.  Take a photo and upload to Classroom. 
      • What are the conditions on the Jews’ train journey? How do the Jews react to Madame Schacter’s behavior? What does this reveal about human nature?
      • What connection might there be between Madame Schacter’s treatment on the train and possible future events in the concentration camp? What are some other ways that Wiesel foreshadows, or hints at, the horrors ahead?
      • Even though it was 1944, and Nazi extermination of Jews had begun years earlier, the Sighet Jews had very few facts about it. Do you think it is possible in today’s world for a community to know so little, to be so unprepared? Explain.
    6. Begin reading Chapter 3.


        • What do you think will happen next? 
        • Finish Chapter 3 of Night, QQVS, and sticky note annotations
        • Review Stems List #32
        • Work on the written portion of your IRP #1

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