18 February 2019

18 February 2019

English II

Do Now:

  1. Pick up Fairy Tale paragraph. 
  2. Report cards on Thursday
  3. Sign in to ReadTheory- 20 minutes practice
  4. Have your QQVS out.  I will be checking Chapters 3-6


    1. Go to the PowerLine assignment posted in Classroom.  Add Chapter 4, 5, and 6.
    2. Stems #33 Quizlet Live
    3. Agenda Review- Check all due assignments and add to your calendars
    4. Small table discussions for Chapter 5 & 6.
      • Each table will be assigned a different question.  Mark write your question and answer on your tables.  We will then do a gallery walk.  Each person will walk around and add comments to each response/question before returning to your seat. 
    5. Begin reading Chapter 7.

    Reminders for reading Night

    • Remember, you are tracing one of these themes:  (Pick 1 to trace using your Sticky Notes)
      • Faith
      • Power
      • Love
      • Hate
    • Remember: Every time we either read a chapter in class or you are assigned one for homework you will be expected to annotate. I am looking for at least 4 post it notes that contain/comment on one of the aforementioned ideas located on your Book Annotating handout.  You will use at least 1 sticky note to identify a quote that supports one of your chosen themes.  The full theme will not be visible to you until you finish reading.
      • Your 5th post it note will be a “power line”. 
        • What is a “power line”?
        • A “power line” is a sentence or a couple of sentences that contain figurative language (simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, understatement, hyperbole, alliteration, verbal irony, etc.).
      • These are called “power lines” because they make the writing more powerful.
      • This particular post it should be titled Power Line so that it is easier to find when you are asked to share.
      • Your “power line” is NOT a literary element (foreshadowing, dramatic irony, plot, setting, conflict, etc.)


        • What do you think will happen next? 
        • Finish Chapter 7 of Night
        • Review Stems List #33, #32, and #31 for Quiz tomorrow
        • Work on the written portion of your IRP #1- Final draft due Thursday by 3:45pm 
        • CommonLit reading assignment due Friday
        • Turn in Field Trips forms and $ to assigned people
        • Sign up for Academic Hour


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